Today marked yet another milestone as a very brave student of mine, Ashante, asked me in front of the entire class (and Todd who happened to be observing) if I was pregnant. I was so caught off guard that my response was “no sé” (I don’t know) and I turned a certain shade of red. I do talk carefully about my personal life and Bill in class, but did not think it was the right time to announce the ‘news’ to my students. This same class has been curious for about two weeks now – last week a different student raised her hand and asked, completely out of the blue, how you say ‘pregnant’ in Spanish. While she had no intentions with this question the rest of the class found it hilarious and started whispering and laughing.
This raises an interesting question: Do I tell my students? If so, when? My guess is that most students would never even dream of asking. I remember when Amy (French teacher) was 8 months pregnant they thought that she was just ‘getting fat’. Either way they certainly are curious…

Heirloom Tomato
I’m 19 weeks today! My brain is designing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. I am starting to hear mom’s voice and have been falling asleep to classical music that is played for me each night. I weigh 8.5 ounces and measure 6 inches from head to toe – about the size of a large tomato (un tomate). I am going to start growing really fast now, which is why mom is quickly stocking up on maternity clothes.
Lawrence Robert Sessoms
Faye Ransome Stacy
Hugh Kristian Sessoms
William Ransome Stacy
Frances Grace Robinson
Anne Mary Webb
Hugh Waverly Sessoms
Elias G. Stacy
Martha Marie Clausen
Ottelia Sophie Therese Von Balke
Frank Clark Robinson
Harry Leslie Webb
Julia Grace Chapin
Lillian Ethel Eastridge

Green Pepper
I’m 18 Weeks – yay! Head to rump I measure about 5 1/2 inches long and weigh around 7 ounces, which is about the size of a bell pepper (pimiento). I’ve been busy flexing my his arms and legs. Also, my ears are now in their final position. My parents haven’t found out if I’m a boy or girl yet. Either way, my organs are now formed and would be visible on a ultrasound.
Bill and I had our monthly doctor visit on Friday. We could not be happier with Dr. Wolanski – too bad he probably won’t be the one delivering our baby!
During the visit we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time: a healthy 135 bpm! We tried to hear it with the doppler several weeks ago but it was too early, and the volume was not on during the last ultrasound we had. What an amazing sound…
Dr. Wolanski assured me (for the fourth time) that in my case there is no reason to worry about weight gain. He told me to expect a total weight gain between 16 and 22 pounds due to my size and build, and not to worry about tracking my weight (which I have been doing every morning) as long as I am eating the right foods. He also said that I might not ‘show’ for awhile because of my long torso. This is slightly frustrating for me because I’m ready to show the world that, yes indeed, I’M PREGNANT!!! 🙂
Coming Up:
- Movement: I have indeed felt the baby move but this sensation will get stronger and more obvious every day. In a few weeks Bill should be able to feel the baby!
- 22 week ultrasound scheduled for March 5th (Boy or Girl?)
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