Kristy at 30 Weeks
Welcome to my first blog!
Kristy at 30 Weeks
Only 10 more weeks to go! Now my eyelids are open and eyelashes and eyebrows are visible. I’m 2/3 of my final size! I weigh about 3 pounds and am 17 inches long – about the size of a head of cabbage (una lombarda). My level of infection-fighting antibodies is equivalent to mom’s and I’m surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid. Lots of cushioning in here!
Mom had an appointment with Dr. Wolanski today. He said that her weight is perfect and she is measuring exactly 29 weeks, which is consistent with the modified due date. Only one more visit to Dr. Wolanski before we all move back to Michigan!
Last weekend my three best girlfriends from college came to visit Bill and I and to attend my baby shower on Sunday. I am so grateful that they made the trip to Charlottesville – Sarah drove from Charleston, Alexis from Cleveland, and Lisa from DC.
Friday evening I showed Alexis around town and took her to her first tapas restaurant. Sarah and Kent arrived late that evening and Lisa came early Saturday morning. I made french toast for brunch and we walked around the downtown mall and went to Veritas for wine tasting. It was HOT – 100 degrees! Charlottesville was also extremely packed due to Foxfields and the Dogwood Festival and Parade (the dogwoods were in full bloom). I think I pretty much exhausted the entire crew on Saturday. After wine tasting we went to Blue Mountain Brewery for lunch and then walked around UVA campus. We then got some cold beverages and had a nice dinner at Orzo. Baby shower cake for dessert (a gift from Bill)!
The baby shower was Sunday. Cassy, Sarah and Chiara did such a wonderful job planning the entire event! Most of my friends were able to attend. We played games, enjoyed great food and opened gifts for Baby Gray! Bill and I were overwhelmed with the generosity of our friends and look forward to using everything and preparing for the baby!
Click here to see more photos from the weekend and baby shower.
At this point my hearing is keenly developed and I am 3/4 the way through my development. I am sometimes startled by loud noises and am getting accustomed to the sounds of mom’s pounding heart, digestive system, and rushing blood. I can even make make a distinction between some voices. I measure about 16 inches and weigh 2-3/4 pounds, about the size of a butternut squash (una calabacera).
Mom continues to stay active and is sleeping really well. Just waiting for the ‘pains’ of the third trimester to kick in…
Kristy has brought a Snoogle into our bed. Apparently she’s in love with Snoogle, as it helps her sleep through the night. The feeling is not mutual, and I’m looking forward to kicking this pillow out of the bed shortly after Kristy delivers our little girl. My understanding is that most men don’t like sharing the bed with a Snoogle.
All joking aside, I’m fine with the Snoogle since it helps out Kristy. It would be nice if they made a slightly smaller, and therefore more husband friendly version. This thing is huge!
We did have one incident last week. During the night Kristy tried to get out of bed and got all tangled up in the Snoogle. I think she came close to planting her face on the dresser before she could free herself of the pillow. We have certainly laughed about this pillow several times.
Today we celebrated Kristy’s 28th birthday with her favorite meal: flank steak, oven baked french fries, broccoli, Michigan salad, and ice cream and chocolate cake (made by Ana) for dessert. I gave her Mikimoto pearl earrings to celebrate both her birthday and completion of her Master’s degree, and we continued her birthday tradition of playing Rummikub. It was a fun evening!
Kristy at 28 Weeks
Today I enter the third trimester! I weigh about 2-1/4 pounds and my brain, which was smooth up till now, has grooves and is indented on the surface (I am developing billions of neurons). The hair on my head is longer and my body is filling out – I am adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. I can also see more clearly the light that filters in through the womb.
Last night I went to my first concert in utero – Dave Matthews Band! Mom was a little worried about all of the noise but I did just fine.
While in Michigan we celebrated Easter Sunday with a brunch at Bill and Judy’s. Terry and Gary joined us before we headed back to Charlottesville. Above is a photo taken at Woodward Hills on Saturday with my grandma, who was recently released from the hospital.
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