I spent this past week (Spring Break) in Michigan making final preparations for the upcoming move. It was nice to be back – Michigan will always feel like home.
While in town I was able to cross a lot of things off the ‘preparing for baby’ list and did the following:
- bought a crib
- bought dresses for upcoming showers and Bill’s graduation
- interviewed several certified nurse midwifes and doctors – settled on a CNM
- selected a pediatrician
- finalized the color and bought paint for Baby Gray’s room (pale yellow)
- checked out the house we are renting – will post photos soon
- Oh! And I finished my Master’s degree!
Bill arrived on Thursday and we spent a lot of time with family and friends. We were able to visit my grandma at Woodward Hills, enjoy Easter dinner and brunch with family, and visit with Jerry, Karen, Becca and Amy who were taking care of a sick Heidi.
We were also surprised with a package of baby clothes from my mom and Pinata and a beautiful, hand-knit teddy bear made by Judy. Baby Gray’s first stuffed animal!
Needless to say it was not the most relaxing vacation, but we are excited about the decisions we made this week and look forward to moving back to the midwest!

This week, I weigh almost 2 pounds and am 14-1/2 inches long – about the size of a head of cauliflower (un coliflor). I am sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing my eyes, and perhaps sucking my fingers. My brain is very active now and I can sense light and dark better than ever before.
Hiccups are increasingly common. Each episode lasts only a few moments but mom feels them daily – they are an unmistakable rhythmic tickle against the abdomen. Mom also says that I am kicking in some unusual places.
Roary Kneading Peaches
Roary on Peaches
Roary has picked up some new habits over the last few weeks, which we think are related to Kristy’s pregnancy hormones. The most amusing one for us is the kneading of stuffed animals. I think it was Nippy (my brown stuffed bear from childhood) that got the first treatment and we didn’t think much of it at the time. Roary has since blossomed into a full blown kneader of stuffed animals. In the pictures above you can see she is completely in her element while massaging Peaches (a replacement stuffed animal for the original that was ‘lost’ during a Sessoms family road trip through Tennessee).

The network of nerves in my ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. I can now distinguish between my mom’s voice and my dad’s in conversation. I am inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of my lungs. This is good practice for when I’m born and take my first gulp of air! I am continuing to put on baby fat, weigh about 1-2/3 pounds, and measure 14 inches – about the size of an English cucumber (un pepino).
Mom is really starting to notice how big I am getting and is expected to gain 1 cm around her belly each week from now on. She is looking forward to Spring Break next week so that she can relax and get lots of rest!
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