This week I am over 5 pounds and about 18 inches long, about the size of a honeydew melon (un melón). It’s crowded in here! I’m no longer flipping around and am pretty comfortable hanging out on the right side of mom’s uterus, which now extends into her rib cage. My kidneys are fully developed and my liver can process some waste products. Most of my physical development is now complete — I’ll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Mom is feeling good – more prepared and confident about things now that the house is ready and she has had some down time. I grew quite a bit this week and she has had several ‘incidents’ when she ran into things with her belly. There is still more growing ahead!

Kristy at 34 Weeks
I now weigh close to 5 pounds – about the same as a cantaloupe (un cantaloupe). I am almost 18 inches long and layers of fat are filling me out, making me rounder. My central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature. In 3 short weeks I will be a full term baby!
Mom and dad have been in there new home for a week now and are busy getting the house ready for me. Mom joined a new gym and has been exercising every day. She is sleeping better than ever – not too tired during the day but getting almost 10 hours of sleep at night!
After a week of packing, two weeks of living with just a mattress and basic kitchen items, and a twelve hour drive – we’re home!
Please take note of our new address:
990 Canterbury St.
Birmingham, MI 48009
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