Getting Ready for Baby
With the due date in just accouple of weeks we have been brushing up on ‘what to expect’ during labor & delivery, breastfeeding, and the initial weeks with a newborn. Here I am in the middle of a study session – surrounded by our Martha Jefferson class materials and books that I read recently. We finished the last of the classes – child and infant CPR (30 compressions to 2 breaths!) – last week. Now that the house and the nursery are done it has been nice to spend time relaxing together and preparing for the baby. Bill has also been really involved in this process and is currently reading ‘Heading Home With Your Newborn’.
Most of the couples in our labor & delivery class, as well as our friends Dean & Melissa and Todd’s friend Erin, have had their babies recently. We have enjoyed hearing their stories – one woman delivered in 4 hours and, most recently, a friend who planned for a natural birth at home had a 47 hour labor with two surgeries that ended in a C-section. We are prepared (well, sort of…) for anything!
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No matter how much you prepare or ready yourselves , NOTHING can prepare you for that moment when you first look at your new baby. Any pain or stress of delivery will instantly vanish.You will find yourself so insanely in love, and so intensely in awe of what has just happened that you will vow right then and there to change the world for your child.
You guys will do great and your baby will be beautiful no matter what because she is a gift and she is yours .
No matter how many books you read or friends you ask, your baby will tell you exactly what she needs . You just have to listen to her. You will get it right. Just remember to breathe …and I don't mean while you are having the baby … I mean while she is growing up.
can you tell I am having an emotional moment? 🙂 cant wait to meet my GRAND Niece.
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