Lilly is a very happy baby. Today she squealed with delight for the first time. Bill laid her down on the bed and was dancing to the radio for her and she absolutely loved it! Of course she waited until her daddy was home for her first squeal. 🙂
She is almost 10 weeks old now and is changing every day. She is able to entertain herself for longer periods of time, especially when laying on her tummy time mat or in her crib staring at her mobile. Lilly has discovered her hands and feet and makes bubbles with her mouth. She loves looking at her feet and sucking her right hand, and holds her hands together in front of her. Occasionally she’ll find her thumb. She is also ‘talking’ to us a lot more and makes specific noises to tell us when she is hungry, frustrated, excited, or tired.
Lilly usually goes to bed around 8:30 and is up at 7 – waking up 2 or 3 times a night. She can go as much as 5 hours in the night if she has a good feed. We are still struggling with feeding problems. For the last 4 weeks she has gotten really fussy when eating from the bottle. This happens about 3 times a week – the other days she is a perfect angel…still trying to figure that one out! We are pretty sure that it has to do with her temperment as well as developmental changes.
We will post more photos and videos soon!

It was so nice to have my parents in town for a visit this past week. They spent lots of time with Lilly and helped me with things around the house. I can’t wait for my mom to come back in October!
Here is a video of Lilly lifting her head at a 90 degree angle (well, kind of…).

Lilly at 2 Months
Time flies – our little girl is 2 months old today! She is smiling all the time (although not in this photo – I promise to get a better one at 3 months!) and has hit all of her developmental milestones. Changing every day!
Weight: 10 pounds 10 oz.
Length: 23 inches
Head: 39 cm
This is a typical morning with Lilly after her first feeding.
This video was shot at the end of a loooong day. Lilly is busy as can be and I was EXHAUSTED!
Here is a video of one well-rested baby waking up from her morning nap.
I discovered today that Lilly LOVES to lay on our bed and look up at the moving fan.
It’s all about timing! Lilly arrived just in time for Bill and I to have almost two months to get the house ready and 6 weeks to spend with her before Bill returned to work. We were so happy to have this time together to get to know the baby and each other as new parents. We spent the 6 weeks learning about our little girl and establishing routines. Bill returned to PRTM on September 1st and we both felt prepared for his transition back to work. We are so thankful for the time we had!
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