Lilly at 5 Months
It was NOT easy to get this photo because Lilly is moving around all the time. I think for her 6 month photo she’ll be sitting up on her own!
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Lilly at 5 Months
It was NOT easy to get this photo because Lilly is moving around all the time. I think for her 6 month photo she’ll be sitting up on her own!
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These are some of things I've noticed that Lilly likes to do. She loves making noises with her tongue and mouth such as "rasberries" and blowing bubbles with her spit. She gets a real kick out of us when we make mouth noises for her. She still loves looking at herself in the mirror. When feeding her the rice cereal she grabs onto the spoon and "helps" put the food in her mouth. She is actually pretty good at doing it as long as you keep a good hold on the spoon. Taking her hand and scratching surfaces with her fingernails is also another fun past time. She seems to delight in the different sounds she can make on the different surfaces. I can't wear earings around her any more. Grabbing my hair and nose and poking her fingers in my eyes is also very intertaing for her. And, of course, she LOVES to put everything in her mouth.
Favorite Michigan Grandma, Judy
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