Yesterday we took Lilly to the Goldfish Swim School for her first swim lesson. Bill went in the pool with Lilly and I sat poolside, taking photos and videos the entire time. We’re still not sure who had the most fun! Lilly loved the water and once she got comfortable was flapping her arms non-stop and splashing Bill in the face! We are still ‘conditioning’ her to go under the water (she has to keep her eyes and mouth closed first – now she closes her mouth but not her eyes) – but were really impressed with how well she did for her first lesson. Looking forward to this daddy/daughter activity every Sunday!
Lilly is doing a great job sitting up – and can now get herself into a sitting position on her own. The first time she did this was last Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Sessoms. I was so upset because she sat up on her own when I was in the other room and I missed the whole thing! Today she has done it several times. She’s got some strong abs!
Lilly is getting closer to crawling her way across the room every day. She can crawl a few feet and then scoots and reaches the rest of the way to whatever she wants. Here is a video of her trying to knock down some blocks…she had already crawled about two feet before I hit record on my iPhone.
I never understood the skill it takes to change the diaper on a crawling infant! When I change Lilly she immediately flips herself over and squirms around, trying to grab anything in reach or scoot herself away. I rarely use the changing table any more (when I do it’s a real struggle). Instead, we use the floor and just hope that she doesn’t get away!
Lilly and I went to our first Kindermusik class at the Birmingham Community House today. She seemed to really enjoy it, and we got a CD to practice with at home – I’m going to have to re-learn some of the songs I knew as a kid! We will be going to the music class every Wednesday, and several moms from the playgroup go with their babies as well. It’s so nice to get out with Lilly a bit more and see some friends. Looking forward to it!

Last Friday morning in AZ

New Playmat!
We spent our last day in Arizona going for a run, playing pickle ball, eating dinner with my parents, playing Chinese Checkers, and sitting by the fire out back. It was the perfect end to our stay in Arizona. Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Bill and I arrived back in MI on Saturday night. Lilly had a good plane ride – it was difficult to get her to sleep at first, but she finally napped for almost 2 hours (we basically had to cover her up with a blanket so there was nothing to distract her). Grandpa Bill picked us up from the airport and we got home just in time to put Lilly to bed. We set up her new playmat when we got home and had fun playing with Lilly’s new toys the next day.
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