Several times recently my laughter has scared Lilly to the point of crying. Yes, at times I have a horrible, loud laugh, but I certainly dont mean to scare my daughter! Today Laura and Arbor were over for lunch and Lilly managed to spit her beets all over me. Even though her shirt, my shirt, and my pants are stained beyond repair, I was cracking up and Lilly got this horrible pouty face and cried for a few minutes. Sooo sad! The other day at Ikea the same thing happened when a friend made me laugh out loud. I guess she doesn’t think her mommy is very funny. 🙁
Lilly has quite a bit of her daddy’s engineering skills in her. She is VERY intent on figuring out how everything works. Yesterday at Kindermusik the the teacher noticed this when Lilly followed her around the room watching her strum the guitar. Lilly would watch Ms. Margaret and then try to mimic what she was doing. As she moved around to give the other babies a chance Lilly was right behind her, ready to learn to play the guitar. Whenever Lilly gets a new toy she is captivated for several minutes until she ‘gets’ it, and this week she started correctly putting shapes into the proper hole in her shape sorter. I’m pretty certain Lilly is more likely to follow in her father’s career path rather than my own.
Today was the last ‘official’ Beaumont Moms Group, but we look forward to many playdates in the future with the friends we have made. We plan to meet every other week for a scheduled playgroup and more often informally. I am so thankful for the women I have met in this group, and Lilly seems to have fun with the other babies. It has been so fun to share stories and watch them grow!
No explanation necessary.
Today was moms 29th Birthday! I gave her extra hugs today and we had fun at Kindermusik. We celebrated with a nice dinner at Great Grandpa Bill’s and all of her friends and family members wished her a happy birthday. Dad was out of town, but that’s okay because they went out last Saturday for an early celebration. Happy Birthday, Mom! XOXO
Lilly started babbling over the weekend. Bill and I can’t get enough of it – it’s the closest we’ve gotten to carrying on a conversation with her and a lot of the time she uses intonation to mark the beginning and end of a ‘sentence’. I kind of think she sounds like one of the muppets when she talks. So cute!

Lilly at 9 Months

Lilly at 9 months
Weight: 20 lbs. (just above 50th percentile)
Length: 28.5 in. (90th percentile)
Head: 17-3/4 in. (75th percentile)
OK, so I couldn’t decide which photo was cuter. Notice how she has the same look on her face in both? Well, she makes that face pretty much 99% of the time now – soooo funny! We just hope she outgrows her ‘piggy face’ by the time she reaches middle school. 🙂
There is something poignant about the 9-month milestone. Perhaps because she has now been a living, breathing human being for longer than she was in the womb. I now understand why people say that having kids is a selfish act: Lilly Grace brings us joy like we’ve never experienced before each and every day. She is a fearless, busy bundle of smiles and love. Can you tell we are proud of her?
Since the day Lilly was born people have been telling us how observant she is. Both pediatricians told us on separate occasions that she was the most alert newborn they had ever seen, and pretty much every time I leave the house someone stops to tell me how observant she is. It doesn’t seem like a typical thing to tell someone about their baby (they also tell me how cute she is, and, while I know it’s 100% true, I also know that IS a typical thing to say about a baby!). Today at Target three separate people approached us and remarked at how she was taking everything in. One woman stopped me as I was looking at paper towels and said Lilly must be really interested in her because she was being “watched like a hawk”. At the playground this afternoon a mom with an 18-month-old and a 4-day-old said basically the same thing. Lilly loves to watch the kids at the park – while they are running around playing as toddlers do, she’s watching every move they make.
One of the more funny things that happened recently was when Lilly was so intent on watching our waiter at the Hunt Club that she practically flipped herself over in her chair!
We’re not quite sure where this will take her in life and how it will change – only time will tell!!
Lilly is cruising! She started walking along the fireplace hearth for the first time early this week. She’s also working on her balance – standing up while holding on with just one hand and letting go of things with both hands for just a moment before falling down.
Check out this video of Lilly cruisin’ with Cousin Jason:
Lilly’s first Easter was very busy. We celebrated a week early with Grandma and Grandpa Gray because they went to Florida for spring break. Doesn’t Lilly look cute in her bunny ears (see picture below)? My parents, brothers, and cousin were in town for my grandmother’s funeral. We had a special dinner in honor of grandma at Oakland Hills and a family brunch Easter morning at the Hunt Club. With so many people in town Lilly got to ‘eat out’ on several occasions – Bill and I can’t believe how good she is every time we go out! We hope this keeps up!
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