We just returned from 10 days at The Beach! Lilly and I flew out on her birthday and Bill joined us from Houston later that night. Lilly did GREAT on the plane both ways (was even complimented by 8 different people on the way back) and we were able to have a relaxing and fun-filled family vacation. Bill and I did an overnight trip to Vancouver and one to Seattle. We got in plenty of running and hiking and Lilly LOVED playing in the mud flats. Lots of beautiful sunsets, kayaking, and good food. We can’t wait to make it out again next Summer!
To view the complete photo album, click here.

Lilly at ONE YEAR!
Weight: 21 pounds (50th percentile)
Length: 30.5 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 46 cm (75th percentile)
525,600 minutes of Lilly and enough joy to fill a lifetime! Lilly is one year old today and we are so happy to celebrate this huge milestone with her first trip to The Beach! I feel badly that she spent much of her birthday on the plane (even though she had fun and was a perfect angel), but I know we will make up for it in the coming days!
Yesterday was a very special day for us because we celebrated Lilly’s 1st Birthday on Bill’s 30th Birthday! We had an under-the-sea-themed party for family and a few friends at our house. It was a beautiful day and we were delighted with how everything turned out. We were a bit uncertain with how Lilly would react with the number of guests and she could not have been any happier. She wasn’t too excited about her vegan birthday cake, though. She enjoyed playing with it but only ate a bite or two. You can check it out in the video below. We keep re-living the party over and over in our heads – what a wonderful celebration for our daughter and her #1 daddy!

For more photos, click here.
Lilly took her first steps today! We got home from Nipigon at noon and were playing in her playroom shortly after when it happened. Lilly was trying to stack blocks on my head and would pull away and stand on her own for several seconds. She did this a few times and kept standing longer – finally she took one step towards me…and a minute later she took two! The fresh Northern Michigan air must have done something for her!
We just got back from a great, long weekend up North. Bill and I drove up Friday morning with Lilly and were excited to have her back at Nipigon. This visit was full of family firsts: Lilly started ‘walking’ across the room when her hands were held, she spent an entire hour floating in Lake Huron with Nana and Boppa, went on her first boat ride, and ate her first ice cream cone! It was a beautiful, HOT weekend so we spent most of our time outdoors – much of it next to a shaded kiddie pool. We can’t wait to get back there!

For more photos, click here.
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