Our loveable Lilly seems to have hit the ‘whiney’ stage of toddlerhood. It’s amazing how clear she is in telling us what she wants, but when she doesn’t get it (for example, the knife I’m cutting my sandwich with or the pen I’m writing a note with), she sure lets us know! It is increasingly difficult to divert her attention away from the things she is after. Lilly makes this almost comical noise that sounds like an ambulance coming down the street to alert us that she is NOT HAPPY. I was expecting this with the ‘terrible twos’ but amd surprised to see this stage come so early. In the meantime I’m hoping that sign language and her increasing vocabulary will help put a stop to the phase. Quickly. 🙂

The days are getting colder and we have a whole new schedule of Fall classes to keep Lilly and me busy. Mondays we continue with our playgroup, Tuesdays are daycare, Wednesdays we go to My Gym with some friends, Thursdays we have Music Together with a bunch of our friends, Fridays are reserved for errands and spending time with Daddy, and Sundays Bill and Lilly have Goldfish swim classes. Whew! Think we’ll be busy enough? We also do dinner with Nana and Bapa and Aunt Terry comes over Thursday mornings with a new library book to read with Lilly, not to mention various playdates. I have to admit that the classes are as much for me as they are for Lilly – lots of fun! Bring it on!

Lilly and I run together during the week but we really look forward to running together as a family, which we do every weekend. With the Detroit Marathon coming up in less than 2 weeks, Bill does his ‘long runs’ on Sundays and Lilly and I always keep him company for the first several miles. We also run together on either Friday or Saturday morning. This has been a fun family activity for us. We bring snacks and water to keep Lilly occupied but she mostly just sits back and enjoys the ride. Now that it’s getting colder out we have to be careful to really bundle her up. When it gets too cold out I guess we’ll have to get back on the treadmill!
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