Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Day
We have been enjoying the holidays in Arizona since Lilly and I arrived on the 22nd. I was a bit nervous about flying solo with her this time but she did great! If there is such a thing as over-packing with an infant/toddler than I did it. The rest of the family, including Bill, arrived shortly after we did so that we were all together on Christmas Day. We had a delicious Christmas Eve dinner at mom and dad’s house followed by our traditional Christmas morning rituals, where we all promised to ‘cut back’ on gifts but as usual there was a big amount for everyone – especially the kids! The Christmas forecast was 75 and sunny so we spent lots of time outside with the kids playing pickle ball. It was a wonderful holiday and we look forward to the remaining time we have in Arizona.
For the complete set of photos, click here.
We celebrated Christmas early in Michigan since we are headed to AZ for the holidays on Wednesday. Last night we went to Nana and Bapa’s for a lovely Christmas Eve dinner. Jack, Gordon, and Jessica joined us. This morning we headed over early for Christmas brunch and the gift exchange. Lilly was very involved in opening and passing out the gifts this year. She had lots of fun with her new toys (loved placing them in exactly the right spot), especially her baby doll and stroller! We had a fun morning and are so blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful family.
For the complete set of photos, click here.

This video was shot on our way to Nana and Bapa’s for Christmas morning.
Lilly picks up new habits so fast that it’s hard to keep track of, so I thought I would take the time to write about a few of my new Lilly ‘favorites’.
She can say well over 60 words now (probably over 100?) and there are a few that I just love to hear: ‘outside’ (out-ssiiide), ‘good girl’ (goo-gurl), and ‘baby’. The way she says them is so darned cute you just can’t help but smile.
Lilly is VERY invested in her routines. Once I introduce something new (like feeding Roary treats or putting the wet bath mat over the edge of the tub) she catches on right away and wants to repeat my actions. I recently asked her to hand me my towel when I was taking a shower and now the moment I get in she pulls my towel down and stands outside the shower door waiting to hand me my towel. 🙂
My #1 most favorite new Lilly ‘thing’ happens at night when she’s getting ready for bed. She knows most of her body parts by now and after we finish rocking and just before she goes to sleep I say “I love you” and Lilly says, “eye, eye, eye…”, smiles and points to my eye. I just love it…

Tonight we celebrated the holidays with our playgroup. Andrea and Brandon hosted the party and there was plenty of delicious food and drinks to go around. We had a ‘secret santa’ exchange just for the mom’s and it was fun to get the dad’s together. Love the ‘bump’ photo with 5 of the ladies who are expecting this Spring/Summer. Unbelievable how much all of the kids have changed in a year!

Lilly had her first visit with Santa Claus today. She loves saying “Hi, Santa!” to the decorative ones we have around the house and was very excited about the visit…until she saw her friend Amelia placed on his lap, at which point she clung to me for dear life. I have claw marks to prove it. I was leaning towards exiting the whole Santa spectacle but Mr. Claus himself urged me to put Lilly on his lap, so I did for long enough to get this photo. I can honestly say that I have NEVER seen Lilly so upset in my entire life. She was screaming ‘ALL DONE! ALL DONE! ALL DONE! ALL DONE!’ from the moment she was out of my arms. It took several minutes to calm her down afterwards, during which she was having an entire conversation with me about how upsetting the entire event was. We had other Santa events in store for her this year but I guess they’ll have to wait until 2011!

Kristy and Lilly at 21 Weeks
Feeling great at 21 weeks! The baby is moving more often, although I am running around chasing Lilly or ushering her from classes to playdates all day so I don’t notice the movements nearly as much as I did during the first pregnancy.
Have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE being pregnant? Let’s hope this feeling lasts for 4 more months. 🙂
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