Seems like with 8 weeks to go we have another breech baby on our hands. My mother had 3 breech babies (highly unusual) and we found out that Lilly was breech at 39 weeks, so we were well aware that this might happen. With Lilly we took the option of doing an external version in the hospital to flip her at 39+ weeks. Since it was not succesful this led to a c-section (breech delivery not allowed in 48 states) and this time around 6/7 doctors have said they will not consider a version as an option (1 doctor said we could try but Bill and I have decided not to put ourselves or the baby through the stress of the procedure again). Bill and I are stuck somewhere in between believing that the baby knows what position is best for it and hoping for a vaginal delievery. Therefore I am resorting to some old fashioned techniques to try to get this baby to flip on it’s own, all the while feeling ‘ok’ with the only backup plan which would be a scheduled c-section some time during the 39th week.
Here’s the plan:

32 Weeks
Kristy is looking great and feeling great! She still runs accouple times a week and does yoga on Saturdays. She is sleeping well and her energy level is good. Hard to believe we’ll be holding the new baby soon!
The nursery is (mostly) complete! Here are some photos – it will look a lot nicer when we take the queen-sized bed out of the center of the room but we’re leaving it in for when Grandma comes to stay and help out with the new baby. We LOVE it!

Lilly has been at the stage where she likes to ‘help’ for quite awhile now, but lately she actually has been…well, kind of helpful! She loves being in the kitchen (the learning tower is a life saver), where she washes small items in the sink and helps with cooking and baking. Lilly is especially good at making kale chips. I wash the kale and hand it to Lilly, who shakes it dry, tears it in to small pieces, and places them in a bowl. She loves sprinkling the kale with salt and squeezing lemon over it, and she actually eats the finished product (I doubt she would if she weren’t involved in making them)! It’s fun to have her help with baking as well. Lately we’ve made cookies and banana bread – I try to bake once a day with her because it keeps her busy and happy. We might have a little chef on our hands!
Here’s a video of a typical Friday morning with Lilly and Dada.

Lilly is 19 months old today! We are so proud of the little person she has become. She is amazingly resourceful and continues to amaze us with her vocabulary and communication skills. Not only does she know what she wants but she makes it happen. If she wants to eat grapes or cottage cheese she opens the refrigerator and gets them (unlike her mom she remembers to close the refrigerator when she’s done). If she wants something on the counter she will push a chair from across the room until she can reach the item in need. We are careful to watch her every move but are fairly permissive with these behaviors because Lilly is also extremely cautious. She knows that certain items are for ‘mom’ and always looks at me and holds items in question out to ask for approval. She tells us when she wants to go upstairs or use the potty (usually without success) and is very attentive of her baby doll, who she feeds and takes for frequent walks. She is not prone to tantrums because she is such a good communicator and is fairly reasonable (even though we know tantrums are coming…), but she will let you know just how unhappy she is if you take an item from her or prevent her from doing what she wants! My how far she has come!
Hard to believe that we’re about to approach single digits in counting down the weeks until the baby is due! So we failed to take a photo this past weekend because I felt awful all day yesterday and we just never got around to it (you can track ‘the bump’ weeks 16-29 on the ‘Baby Bump Round 2’ tab above). I woke up in the middle of the night with TERRIBLE acid reflux that came and went. I was sick in the morning and stuck in bed for a few hours – then spent most of the afternoon on the couch. Got sick again after putting L to sleep and went to bed early…woke up feeling great. Still can’t figure out if I was just under the weather or the baby moved around and upset things. Either way I’m feeling great in general and hoping not to have too many more days like yesterday!
Baby preparations are in full swing! Last weekend Bapa Bill painted the ceiling, helped Bill put the new closet doors in, and moved all the furniture around. On Wednesday (during the ‘snowstorm of the century’) Bapa painted the walls and on Sunday he is coming over to finish up the trim and put the crib together with Bill. All of the furniture and decorations have been ordered (no plans for a baby shower this time) and will be arriving next week. This is in sharp contrast to our preparations for Lilly, when we moved from Virginia to Michigan just 6 weeks before she was due!
We are really happy with how things are coming together and plan to be mostly finished with everything within the next week. I’ll post pictures soon!
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