Robin at 2 Months
Weight: 10 pounds, 11 ounces
Length: 21.7 inches
Head: 38.5 cm
Can’t believe how much more quickly everything goes the second time around! Robin is cooing and grabbing and smiling – she’s such a bundle of joy. Excited to see where the next month takes us!
She eats every 2-3 hours, is asleep by 8:30 or 9, and is up once or twice at night to nurse very briefly. Robin usually stirs around 5:30 or 6 for awhile but sleeps until 7am or later. She takes two or three long naps (an hour plus) and one catnap around dinnertime.
*Just looked up Lilly’s info at 2 months – she was 1 inch longer but other than that her weight and head circumference were exactly the same as Robin’s!?

We had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend! The weather was perfect and we were able to get out quite a bit. Bill went for a bike ride with Boppa on Saturday and Sunday we took the girls to the park and went to the mall in the afternoon. We bought Bill a Wii game system and Bill and I played Mario Kart while the girls were both napping for 2 hours – amazing! Happy Father’s Day, Bill! We love you to the moon and back xoxo

Lilly was more than willing to pose for a photo with her baby sister – she LOVES holding Robin and has become a little mommy.

The girls got dressed up for Nana’s 60th Birthday this evening. We went to Jamie and Gail’s for a greek dinner and had fun celebrating with the family. Aunt Martha came over before the party to help us get ready to go (not sure we would have made it otherwise). Thanks to Martha and Happy Birthday to Judy!

Thursday Night

Saturday Night
So my mom went back to Phoenix on Friday and it is probably no coincidence that once she left Lilly’s sleep has been affected. After climbing out of her crib on multiple occasions we have had to put her in a toddler bed. Here’s what happenned:
Monday nap: She was very upset when I put her down and would NOT let me leave the room. Kept asking to be picked up – after an hour of this continuing I finally gave up and she did not take a nap (for the second time ever).
Tuesday night: Same as Monday’s nap – after going in her room once or twice I had to feed Robin so Nana Judy went in and rocked with Lilly to calm her down. She finally went to sleep but woke up in the middle of the night and was up for an hour crying while I sat in her rocking chair.
Wednesday night: Same thing but this time she climbed out of her crib. After some time Judy and I finally got her to sleep.
Thursday night: We were planning to let her cry it out for the first time ever. I figured she got out of the crib by using the bumpers so I had taken those off but she STILL got out. I ran into her room just as she was perched on the top rail and caught her. She was so upset that she fell right asleep in my arms. When Bill walked in at 11:30 she woke up crying and tried climbing out AGAIN. We decided that it was unsafe for her to sleep in her crib so Bill put the mattress on the floor and spent most of the night sleeping next to her.
Friday night: We lowered the mattress all the way to the floor and she climbed out AGAIN. Put the mattress on the floor and she fell asleep pretty quickly.
So on Saturday we turned her crib into a toddler bed. I was really concerned about this sudden change (we were planning to move her to a toddler bed in August or September) but she has been doing great! We decided to put a door handle lock on the inside of her door so she would learn to stay in her room but thankfully the one time she tried to get out she cried for about a minute and then went to bed. Now she stays in her bed until morning, when she gets out and stands by the door to wait for us. Fingers crossed!
So last week Lilly picked up the statements, “I need to” and “I want to” and she uses them very frequently. She has always been efficient at expressing exactly what she desires or wants to do but now it has reached a whole new level. Her longest sentence to date (10 words) is, “Mama, I want to take a shower with Dada now.”
Lilly is also an expert staller, asking to do something “one more time” (and then one more time…) or expressing that she can’t do something I request because she “needs” to do or to get something else. She is quite reasonable if you explain things to her and tantrums are rare but inevitable if she is hungry or over-tired. We are much more aware of how she is watching our every move and listening to everything we say. Nothing gets past her nowadays!

I feel so blessed that my mother was able to come and stay with us for 4 weeks. She cooked and cleaned and helped with the girls – we were all very spoiled while she was here! Mom arrived with my dad when Robin was 2 weeks old, just before Bill returned to work. My dad stayed for a week and a half and my mom stayed a few more weeks to be with us. Lilly had so much fun with Grandma (especially loved reading the Disney book at bedtime). We can’t wait for her to come back soon!!!
I just got to some video editing. Here’s an extra special one of Robin shortly after she was born.
More to come soon!
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