Lilly started going ‘pee on the potty’ back in January but these past few weeks her interest in potty training reached a new level. She has often refused to wear a diaper and has been using the potty more frequently. After talking to her doctor and teacher at school we decided to take potty training a bit more seriously to avoid the risk of her losing interest again (even though Mom wasn’t feeling 100% ready). Friday morning Lilly said ‘bye bye’ to her diapers and went bare bottom all weekend. She had two accidents Friday morning but other than that she quickly got the hang of things. We were surprised by how easy the whole event was for her – she was completely unphased by the change. Instead of spending hours on the potty like we were expecting, she would sit down, do her business, and quickly get off (she even went ‘poo on the potty’ for the first time ever on Saturday). She didn’t even fuss when I told her it was time to sit on the potty.
So for now we are leaving diapers and pull-ups off when she’s at home (pants only or bare bottom) and are using pull-ups for nap time, bed time, and when we leave the house for awhile (including school). She’s doing great using the potty at school while wearing pull-ups so in a week or so we will probably just switch to underpants. Can’t believe how fast our little girl is growing up!

Our baby girl is 4 months old today! She is such a joy! Robin is rolling over often now (mostly back to belly) and recently started doing the “happy baby” pose by grabbing her feet. She is content for long periods of time and sometimes I need to remind myself that she is awake because she will sit and play with her toys without making much noise for quite awhile. It takes some effort to get her to laugh but she is always smiling and Bill spends lots of time playing with her chubby cheeks.
We’re working to extend her naps to one morning nap, an afternoon nap and a catnap before dinner – almost there. She is asleep by 7:30 or 8 and wakes up around 7am but some nights is up frequently with gas, etc and stirs often around 5:30 or 6 am (just eats once). Last night was the first night in weeks when she was really only up one time and I got some decent sleep. Maybe a sign of good sleep to come? We will continue to have her sleep in our room until she starts doing better at night. I can’t get over how similar her habits are to her big sister’s. She definitely has her own personality though!
Weight: 15.06 pounds
Length: 24 inches
Head: 41.5 cm
Here is a video of some of her first belly laughs:
Check out this video of our Robin and her belly laughs:

Todd came to Michigan for the week to see the girls (and meet Robin for the first time) and it was a wonderful visit. He was a big help with Robin and Lilly loved playing with him. We frequented the local parks in Birmingham and went to the zoo on Saturay. Todd cooked us some delicious food and did lots of cooking in the kitchen with Lilly. We look forward to spending more time with Uncle ‘Favorite’ very soon!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

Two of our good friends from Darden, Davide and Chiara, were on holiday in the US (from Italy, living in Munich) and were able to spend the night with us in Birmingham on their way to Chicago. They have two beautiful daughters (Carlotta, 3, and Federica, 20 months) and it was so fun to watch the girls play together. We went to Booth Park in the afternoon and had a nice dinner and bottle of champagne after the girls went to sleep. We’re hoping to plan a vacation together following the Darden 5 year reunion in 2013 and can’t wait to see them again!

We had a fun-filled family of 4 vacation this past week. We drove to Frankenmuth early Saturday morning and stayed there for one night with the girls. We stopped at Grandpa Tiny’s Farm so Lilly could see the horses and baby animals, then checked into our hotel at Splash Village. We spent the morning at the waterpark and were able to check in to our room in time for both girls to get in a long afternoon nap. When they got up we went back to the waterpark and of course ate dinner at Zehnder’s. Believe it or not they had fabulous vegetarian food! Lilly LOVED Drumstick (the chicken mascot) and wanted to know where he was every minute. The next day we retuned to the waterpark (so much fun) and then headed up to Nipigon for the week (not an enjoyable car ride – I wound up sitting in between the girls in the back seat and it was cramped to say the least!).
Our week up North was great. Lilly had a blast on the beach, feeding ‘Robert’ chipmunk with Boppa, and finding giraffes on our evening walks. Robin got plenty of attention and Bill must have spent hours playing with her cheeks 🙂 . Nana and Boppa came up on Tuesday night and stayed with Robin on Thursday so we could spend the day on Mackinac Island with Lilly. The weather was almost perfect and it was nice to spend lots of quality time as a family.
For the complete set of photos, click here.
Lilly has quite the imagination. Lately on our walks she wants to search for ‘dogs and bunnies and owls and giraffes and bumblebees’ and sometimes Big Bird and Gooey Fish as well. Click on the link for a video of Lilly searching for giraffes on one of our evening walks up North:
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