It was wonderful to ‘get away’ with our family this past weekend. We left early Saturday morning for Beaver Creek, where we stayed in a suite at the new Westin Riverfront Resort and Spa. We first visited Minturn Market before heading to the hotel to get settled and let Robin take her nap. In the afternoon we went to the Village, where Lilly had fun doing the trampoline jump and rock climbing and Robin was happy as can be climbing up and down the stairs and escalators, lol. The girls played in the fountains and we had a nice dinner before literally running both girls through an unforseen downpour on our way back to the hotel. The most fun we’ve had in the rain! That night the girls slept in the living room area while Bill and I watched the first full day of Olympic coverage. We spent Sunday at Vail, walking around the town and taking the gondola up to Eagle’s Nest, where we hiked around and had lunch. We drove home around lunch time and got caught in some traffic – and hail! – on our way home. It was a fun, although brief, vacation and we look forward to heading back to the same hotel very soon.
For the complete set of photos, click here.

At 15 months Robin is more active and daring than ever before and saying new words all the time. This past month she went from babbling but not saying many words to sounding out words frequently and speaking many clearly. Her favorite word is ‘shoe’, which is also her favorite object at the moment. She LOVES putting shoes on (especially L’s crocs) and off and walking around the house in Mom and Dad’s shoes. Robin also points to objects she recognizes and says words such as dog, cat, cracker, milk, ‘dadi’ for paci, slide, and book. Robin will climb almost anything with ease and often gets herself into trouble, as evidenced by the bruise on her forehead in the photo above. She dropped her morning nap these past few weeks and has been taking one much needed long nap in the early afternoon. She has become almost impossible to put in her carseat once again, arching her back and straightening her legs whenever we leave the house – to the point that Bill has taught me wrestling moves to get her into her seat and I almost always break into a sweat. Aside from that one point :), Robin is playful and sweet as can be and my favorite part of each day is going into her room in the morning. She’s always bouncing up and down and has the biggest grin on her face and the greatest bed-hair of all time. LOVE! <3
Weight: 24 pounds, 13 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 32″ (90th percentile)
Head: 18-1/4″ (50th percentile)

Lilly has been talking about her ‘polka dot’ birthday party for months now, and we didn’t disappoint! It was so special to have family in town to help us celebrate (Aunt Terry, Nana, Boppa, and Grandma), and neighbors and friends joined us as well. The kids decorated crowns and helped Lilly open presents while we drank beer and munched on pizza and cake. Lilly was beyond exhausted even before the party started (busy day and no nap) but had so much fun celebrating with everyone. Happy 3rd Birthday to our sweetheart!!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.
Happy Birthday cake video coming soon…

At 3 years old Lilly is sweet and busy as can be. She loves her artwork and caring for her baby doll and stuffed animals, and is very particular about certain items and where she wants things to be in her room. Lilly is beyond the questioning stage and seems to have a strong understanding for the world and things around her. She loves being outside and is playing much more with her sister – she usually plays well with her unless she is overtired, etc, in which case she’s often in need of some ‘bedroom time’. She is very nurturing and loves to snuggle with us in the mornings. If someone isn’t feeling well she spends much of her energy caring for them. A few weeks ago when Bill was recovering from sinus surgery Lilly carefully covered him up with blankets and told him that all he needed to do was to ask for her during the night and she would be there for him if he needed – so sweet! Lilly enjoys preschool and still spends much time observing the kids and their behaviors before jumping into activities. She is shy around strangers and kids she is not familiar with and goofy and loveable around those she enjoys. We are so incredibly proud of the girl she has become!
With Aunt Terry and my mom in town Bill & I started L’s birthday off with an 8 mile run and returned home to learn that Lilly had just woken up (at 9am – the latest she has ever slept by over an hour)! With her refusal to take naps lately she sure was exhausted! We celebrated in the morning by taking Lilly to the Broomfield Bay Aquatic Park followed by lunch at Panera. No nap in the afternoon meant Sesame Street for Lilly while the rest of us furiously decorated the house for her party. She was SO excited when she first saw the decorations!!
3 year old ‘interview’ video coming soon…
Weight: 29 pounds (10-25 percentile)
Height: 37-1/4″ (50th percentile)

We were so happy to have Aunt Terry visit this past weekend! She arrived on Friday (after a full day and evening of flight delays) and we spent the long weekend showing her around town. My mom, Nana, and Boppa were also in town (for L’s birthday) and the girls had so much fun seeing everyone. While Aunt Terry was here we visited the Denver Children’s Museum, went shopping, ate at Turley’s, and prepped for the birthday party. We look forward to her next visit!!

We celebrated Bill’s 32nd birthday with Indian carry-out, cupcakes from Tee & Cakes, presents, and lots of hugs from the girls! Lilly sent a special card to work for Daddy and spent about an hour making cupcakes for him in her play kitchen. Happy Birthday, Da, we love you!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

It’s always fun on the 4th! This year we stayed home to participate in the community bike parade and picnic. Lilly had a blast decorating her bike and Robin’s car and our neighbor Elsa tagged along with Lilly as they biked around the lake with the other kids. Our friends Kirsten, Scott, and Mack joined us for the games (potato sack races, three-legged races, balloon toss, etc) and picnic. We were amazed by how many kids there were! Robin was exhausted by the time we sat down for the picnic, which included lemonade, bbq, and rootbeer floats, but Lilly continued to have fun playing with her friends and even helped the neighbors out with their lemonade stand.
Later that evening we dined on (vegetarian) hot dogs, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and potato salad. No fireworks this year due to the fireworks but we’ll make up for that next year in Seattle! Happy 4th!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.
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