Robin at 16 Months
Robin, oh Robin. At 16 months Robin is a dancing, singing, laughing, and eating machine. She spends her day indoors either by her sister’s side or in my arm’s, but plays well independently when we leave the house to go to the park, playdates, etc. Robin has an almost comical fear of airplanes and trucks (loud, unexpected noises) and actually climbs or jumps into my arms whenever she hears one. She loooves music and sings “la la la la la” throughout the day while dancing in circles.
There is something very special that attracts people’s attention to Robin wherever we go. People stop and make a point to tell us how adorable she is all the time – today we were eating lunch in the park by the Farmer’s Market and Robin was toddling around the groups of people on picnic blankets. The number of “oh my God that girl is so cute”(s) that we heard was more than we could count. She has an unusual ability to make people laugh and smile just by being herself.
Robin is saying new works all the time now, some of which are pronounced incorrectly of course but we know exactly what she’s saying. “Gook” is book while “gock” is park, and “da-ddy” refers to Bill while “dah-dee” refers to her paci, lol.
She has developed the *bad habit* of climbing the table to eat food scraps after meals and will often times eat her dinner and then finish all of Lilly’s. We love how her chubby cheeks and curls bounce when she toddles around the room. <3

Bob Roll!

Levi in yellow
The USA Pro Cycling Challenge finished it’s road race in Boulder and we had an incredible time welcoming the cyclists and celebrating with the rest of the town. We first watched the racers come by our nieghborhood off of Broadway around noon with Lilly, Boppa, and Aunt Martha, then Bill and I biked towards the race finish while the girls stayed home with Nana (Aunt Martha and Boppa, too). Bill has biked to the top of the Flagstaff summit a dozen or so times but I’ve never considered taking the challenge. We were planning to walk the 4.1 miles to the top but at the last minute Bill ‘suggested’ we ride to the first bike corral up the hill, then the next, then the next until we had biked all the way up to the finish. In the end it felt great and I plan to head back up next weekend (it didn’t hurt that people were already lined up along the way cheering us on).
We had a great spot at 50m to the finish line and nothing can describe how excited everyone was to see the finish. 22 of the pros reside in Boulder and we certainly had a great turnout to support them. 30,000 people walked or biked up to the summit (not to mention the thousands who lined the streets of Boulder and surrounding towns) to watch the race and many are calling this day of the tour the biggest in USA cycling history. Bill and I have logged in many hours watching the tours on tv, seeing this in person (and meeting Bob Roll) was one of the biggest highlights of our summer!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

Congratulations to Bill, who completed his first Ironman 70.3 yesterday! I am so proud of him for consistently setting a variety of goals and always reaching them with such precision. When we moved to Boulder Bill decided to register for the Boulder Triathlon Series (a sprint, Olympic, and Half Ironman). His training began quickly after our move but was slowed down by chronic sinus infections that led to sinus surgery in June. At that point we did not plan on him continuing with this race but soon after he decided to go through with it, even though his training was cut short. Bill was very strong with the swim and bike events and cut his transition time down significantly from the sprint. He had a strong finish considering it was 97 degrees out for the last 2.5 hours of his race, and I have a feeling he’ll be doing another one of these in the future. I cut Robin’s nap short to take the girls to see him finish, which was quite an event in itself for me considering I had to stuff them both on a shuttle bus with a stroller and keep them happy in the heat (no shade) for an hour and a half! We were so proud of him at the finish line – quite an accomplishment!
For the complete set of photos, click here.
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