Celebrating Grandpa’s 67th Birthday!

Dinner at Nana and Boppa’s
We had a nice visit with the grandparents these past few weeks!!
Spending nights with Nana while Bill was out of town, spending time with Jamie and Gail, celebrating Grandpa’s 67th birthday, family dinner at Nana and Boppa’s condo, spending Halloween and shopping with Grandma were just a few of the highlights.
For the complete set of photos, click here and here.

I can’t believe our baby is a year and a half already! Happy half-birthday, Ro! xo
This month brings remarkable firsts, such as giant laughter with every high-five (she even high-fives herself in the mirror), doing ‘trust falls’ with mommy and daddy and literally falling into our arms, and saying “I love you” (ah-loo-loo). Her favorite activity this month is taking her clothes off (lol) and running around the house making me to chase her to change her diaper. She also loves dressing herself and putting on socks. Robin is interacting with Lilly on a new level and every night she runs into Lilly’s room to say “night night, Lilly” (nigh-nigh Lih-yee) and give her a hug and kiss. Judging from her laughter, shrieks, and jumps, her favorite part of the day is when Daddy walks in the door at night. Warms my heart, just like everything else she does.
Weight: 26 pounds (75th percentile)
Length: 33.25 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 18.5 inches (50th percentile)

Last Sunday Bill and I ran the Boulder Half Marathon together. I spent the last 6 weeks training for it, with recovery runs on Tuesdays and Fridays, speed work on Thursdays, and long runs on Sundays. We finished with a time of 2:11, which was a 13 minute improvement from my time last year, on a tougher course (very few spectators, up hill or rolling hills the entire way), at 5500 ft. Bill helped me to keep pace and filled up my water bottles along the way. I am so happy that he decided to run with me instead of at his own pace, I really could not have accomplished this without him.
It was a tough course for me but I was well below 10 minute pace (about 9:47) until the last quarter mile when I just about lost it going up the last hill. I barely made it to the finish line and wound up on the ground in the medical tent afterwards with an iv of fluids. When I wasn’t doing much better after 15 minutes or so I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance (first and hopefully last ambulance trip) for two more iv’s and felt almost 100% better by the time we arrived. Long story short, I was incredibly dehydrated, even after drinking 9 bottles of water/Skratch mix and having several Gu’s. Thankfully it didn’t hit me until the very end of the race and I was able to finish. Let’s just say a Camelback hydration backpack is on my x-mas wish list!
Thanks to Courtney for babysitting and Nana for relieving her since we were at the hospital!
For the complete set of photos, click here.
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