Lately Lilly has been trying to get Robin’s attention to include her in conversation and games and to show her projects she brings home from school or makes during quiet time. Robin has been relishing in her new found inclusion with Lilly’s activities but doesn’t always follow what her big sister is trying to ask of her. Here’s a typical example – this happened earlier this morning:
L draws portrait of R. L wants R to acknowledge the “beautiful drawing” and follows her all around the house trying to get her attention. R, entirely oblivious, thinks L is pestering her and yells, “No, no, no, Lilly, STOP!!” and walks in the other direction, singing ‘3 little monkeys’. L puts drawing in our bedroom, “because obviously Robin doesn’t appreciate this masterpiece.”
Sometimes I try to interfere and help Robin to acknowledge Lilly but it’s also fun (and good for them) to watch them work through it on their own. It’s wonderful to see what amazing, thinking/feeling/independent little people they are becoming! 🙂
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