We are all exhausted after fun weekend celebrating Robin’s 2nd birthday. Nana and Boppa were in town and Grandma and Grandpa came in on Friday for the weekend to join us. On Saturday (her actual birthday) my mom and I took the girls to their swim lessons while Bill, Boppa, and Grandpa put together Robin’s birthday present, a cedar playhouse/kitchen for the backyard. It took the group of them almost 4 hours to put it together but it is beautiful and I know the girls will enjoy it for a long time. We picked up Robin’s favorite lunch on the way home (Noodles & Co mac and cheese) and my mom and I did some shopping during nap time. In the afternoon the girls played outside with Emma and had homemade popsicles, followed by presents and pizza with the grandparents.
Robin’s birthday party was in Nederland at the Carousel of Happiness this year, one of her most favorite places. Many of our friends were able to join us we all had a great time. It’s hard to believe that our baby girl is already two, I can only imagine what this next year will bring. We love you, Ro!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

At two years old Robin is full of energy and busy making herself known to everyone who will listen. She holds her own when playing with her big sister, will walk a mile without complaining, and can scream louder than any child I have ever known 🙂 . Robin is very determined, loves playing with her baby doll, changing her diapers and clothes constantly, and playing outside. She prefers a swimsuit and swim diaper to regular clothes and we have to hide her diapers and wipes, otherwise we will go through 100x the normal amount. She has an electric personality and we love her to pieces and are so proud of the little person she has become. Happy 2nd Birthday to Robin! xo
Weight: 28 pounds
Height: 36″

Happy Birthday to me! I welcomed 32 with my friends at Devil’s Thumb Ranch on Sunday, followed by dinner made by Bill and cupcakes from Bill and Judy later in the day. Lilly spent a lot of time decorating the house and making birthday cards for me, which was very much appreciated. Any day that starts with great friends and a massage and ends with my husband and girls is a reason to celebrate. 🙂
For the complete set of photos, click here.

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group of ladies to call friends. Six of my ‘mom’ friends from Michigan flew in on Thursday for a long girls weekend getaway and it was more fun than I could have anticipated. On Friday we toured around Boulder, heading up Flagstaff, hike a Chautauqua, lunch at Fate Brewing Co, shopping on Pearl St, and snacking at Piece, Love, and Chocolate. In the evening we had tapas at The Med followed by drinks at Bitter Bar and the obligatory night out dancing at Tahona, waiting in line for a taxi with all the CU students at 2am.
On Saturday we drove to the mountains to stay at Devils Thumb Ranch, Resort, and Spa for the night. With the unexpected snow our afternoon horseback ride was cancelled but it actually worked out well because we had a leisurely lunch, sat in the hot tub for awhile, and relaxed in our gorgeous rooms before a delicious dinner at Ranch House Restaurant. On Sunday we had massages and spent some time in Denver before parting ways. I am so thankful for these ladies, all of whom have 2 kids the same ages as our girls. I am a better mother and a better person because of them, and look forward to our next ladies weekend.
For the complete set of photos, click here.

We are so thankful that Bill’s grandmother, Peggy, came to visit us in Boulder last week. She flew in on Saturday with Judy and spent 5 nights here and it was just wonderful to spend time with her. On Sunday we drove up Flagstaff, had lunch and shopped on Pearl St followed by dinner at our house. Unfortunately Winter decided not to come until April this year and we got a huge and unusual dumping of snow but we saw her every day and had a wonderful dinner together at Judy’s condo on Wednesday before she headed back to Michigan. We all look forward to seeing her again in Michigan or Colorado soon!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

Waiting for Mommy

Kirsten, Kristy, Michelle at Finish Line
This past weekend I ran the Boulder Spring Half Marathon on the dirt backroads by the Reservoir. It was an important race to me because it’s the first-ever race I’ve done without Bill and I ran with the goal of finishing the race in good health (after two post-race scares for the previous half marathon’s I’ve done) – and I did! The weather was perfect for the race and I really focused on enjoying it and not pushing myself, even at the end when I felt good. It was not my best time but it felt SO GOOD to finish strong and see my girls and Bill at the end. It was also wonderful to have Kirsten and Michelle to race with. Even though we didn’t run together I felt their support and enjoyed celebrating with them (+ family) at the finish line.
Next up will be some cycling this Summer (I just joined the Venus de Miles Cycling Club!) and training for the Denver Rock N’ Roll Marathon in the Fall!)
For the complete set of photos, click here.
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