We enjoyed a nice, long weekend of Memorial Day celebrations, starting with Bill’s 100 mile bike ride to prep for the Ironman race next month and Kristy’s first all-female group ride with the Venus Bike Club.
On Monday Bill and I ran our second Bolder Boulder 10K race together while the girls stayed at home with our babysitter. The race did not disappoint as the world’s largest race at 55,000 participants and America’s ‘favorite road race’. It was a beautiful day and I ran a PR which felt great.
In the afternoon we spent time with friends at two different neighborhood BBQ’s. The girls had fun playing and were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home.
While celebrating we kept our troops and those who have served our country in our thoughts. Happy Memorial Day!

We got the girls up and out of the house early on Mother’s Day for the Title9K race and kids rag-a-muffin run this year. We arrived at the Boulder Res at 7:30 to register the kiddos for the race and met up with some friends along the way. Lilly was excited at the start line but Robin preferred to watch this year. L had a great run and wants to do the IronKids race this Summer.
I ran the 9K (actually a 10K) with several friends, although we didn’t stick together because of our different paces. It was not the easy race I had imagined for Mother’s Day but I’m glad I ran it and got to hold my girls at the finish line.
We were all exhausted after the heat and action of the morning so we spent a lazy afternoon washing bikes and scooters and playing at the park. Indian carryout for dinner and wonderful cards from my girls rounded out a fantastic day. We send our love to the wonderful mothers in our lives, Nana Peggy, Nana Judy, and Grandma Faye! XO
For the complete set of photos, click here.

Soccer, Week 1

Basketball, Week 3

Emma keeping Robin busy
Lilly just wrapped up her first ‘sports sampler’ class at the South Boulder Rec Center. We were a bit nervous about Lilly taking the class at first because it’s not something she normally gravitates towards, but she had an absolute blast and had the biggest smile on her face each week. The 45 minute class met at 5pm on Thursdays and each week a new sport was covered: hockey, soccer, basketball, tball, tennis, and flag football. When asked which week was her favorite she says she couldn’t possibly choose and enjoyed them all. This last week she was given a ‘Winner’s’ medal that she proudly displayed around her neck the rest of the day.
The time of the class made it a bit of a challenge with Robin, who is not the type to sit in my lap and watch anything, so I was very much appreciative of our neighbor Emma who helped out most weeks while I watched Lilly. We would walk to the rec center together and Emma would occupy Robin (who was most interested in watching the swim team practice and playing with the handicap buttons to open and close doors). We are lucky that the girls have this awesome 11 year old next door that cares for them and likes to help out as much as she can.
I am so proud of Lilly and once again impressed with how she is turning in to this smart and beautiful girl who is developing and pursuing new interests all the time. Way to go, Lil!
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