At 4.5 Lilly is still our sweet, creative, joyous little girl. Some days I see her like she is all grown up, others she is just a baby. This morning when I wished her a happy ‘half birthday’ she was so excited about being able to celebrate by making a crown and picking friends to blow out as ‘candles’ during circle time at school. When I broke the news that this tradition was for actual birthdays she was sooo upset, but when the teacher’s heard they were happy to indulge Lilly and the look on her face when they gave her the crown was as if I had told her we are moving to live in Cinderella’s Castle at Disney World. So precious!
Lilly is clever and smart and sometimes I am stunned by her beauty. She loves to invent new contraptions, do self-led science experiments and mix foods in the kitchen, and make up her own arts and crafts projects. In many ways she relies on me for stimulation but she is slowly gaining independence and thoroughly enjoys the experiments and discoveries she makes. Today she tried powering a box ‘sled’ with a toy jumping frog and decided the best next step would be to tape or glue ice on the bottom to make it move more smoothly. A big part of me wanted to tell her, no, it won’t work, you can’t glue and tape ice to a cardboard box, but I let her give it a try anyways and enjoyed seeing my little scientist at work. 🙂
Lilly is definitely ready for kindergarten and will have an exciting last term of preschool, nature, farm, and music camps, and hopefully lots of swimming before her 5th birthday. We love you, Lilly Bear! xo

Monday was Robin’s first day of preschool! It was a difficult decision to start her now because I selfishly wanted to keep her home with me, but Bill and I recognized that she was ready to start school and it is what is best for her now. I cried into her peanut butter and jelly sandwich that morning but seeing just how excited she and Lilly were to go to school together put a huge smile on my face. Having them so close in age has really brought them together. We were hoping that she would go 2 or 3 days a week but after talking with the directors of her preschool we decided to put her in 4 half days (9-12:30) with Lilly. We love the preschool and could not be any happier about the environment she is in. Her first day was a huge success, she was excited all morning long running around with her lunch box saying she was ready to go. The only time she was upset all day was when I told her it was time to go home. My baby is growing up so quickly, and what a beautiful, funny, enthusiastic girl she is!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

We celebrated New Year’s Eve with our neighbors and friends Karli and Kaj and their kids. During the day we went to the Denver Children’s Museum for their ‘Noon Year’s Eve’ kids festivities, which included an hourly countdown to the ball drop, train rides, and 10 miles of bubble wrap for the kids to stomp on. During the evening we celebrated with sushi and champagne, and a movie and pinata for the kids. So much fun!! Happy New Year!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.

Santa Claus came to town…and he brought with him 11 of our family members! We were so happy to host Christmas at our home this year and have so many people join us for the week long celebration. It took lots of time and planning but the work paid off and we could not have imagined a better week, which included sledding, ice skating, skiing, mountain biking, tea with Santa, hiking, go carting, lights festivals, shopping, Xmas Eve dinner at Pasta Jay’s, cookie and gingerbread house decorating, bar hopping, late nights, and lots of local flare. Thanks to all those who came out to celebrate the holidays with us!!
For the complete set of photos, click here.
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