What a FUN mountain getaway we had up in Nederland the first weekend of Spring Break! Nederland is one of our favorite getaways and even though it’s only a 30 minute drive it feels a million miles away. We headed up to Eldora on Sunday for Lilly’s private ski lesson (that girl is getting GOOD) and then had lunch at the Sundance Cafe, where the girls had fun watching the giant goldfish, lol. Next we visited the carousel and candy shop before driving around Peak to Peak Hwy to take in the views and did a hike down to Mud Lake. We rented a house for the evening and will most certainly be back – wonderful house with incredible views and a two story deck with complete with multiple hammocks, a custom hot tub, and built in trampoline! We had dinner at Wild Mountain Brewery (yum) and a pretty rough night getting the girls to sleep in the same room (AGAIN!? They are slowly crushing our hopes of them ever sharing a bedroom) but jumping in the hot tub and watching the stars after they were finally asleep made it all worth it. The next morning the girls were understandably exhausted so we watched a movie, made a final trip to the carousel, lunch at Kathmandou (yum yum), then home after a quick emergency stop to look for a stuffed penguin for L…
The rest of Spring break fortunately we had great weather, which meant every second spent inside the girls were driving each other (and myself) crazy but when we were outside it was wonderful. Lots of hiking, visits with friends, lunches out, biking, trips to museums, etc. Everything Spring Break should be :).
When we first moved here we were amazed that Boulder always seemed to be at the top of everyone’s ‘BEST’ lists. Having been here for two years now, this does not come as a surprise any more. Our move to Boulder has truly changed our lives for the better and I wake up every single day so thankful that things aligned in a way for us to move to this place and raise our kids here. In the past year we have consistently been voted the happiest, healthiest, smartest, most fit, and worst dressed (hmmm…wonder if there is a correlation) place in the US. I hope that everyone feels a certain joy for where they live like we do!
Here are two lists that we topped this past week:

It was only a day trip but we had such a great time with Tim & Jen and the kids at Breckenridge over the weekend. We drove up early and Bill and Lilly skied in the morning while Robin and I went to the Grand Lodge pool with Jen and Rylen. We loved their place and have been considering our options of spending more time up there ever since, even bought a Spring Break vacation there for next year :). That evening we ate dinner in Frisco with our friends and the girls fell asleep the moment they got in their car seats on our way home. Thanks to Tim & Jen for being great hosts!

Robin recently had a visit from the ‘pacifier fairy’. We have talked about this on and off for awhile but lately Lilly has been telling her little sister that it’s time for her to give her paci away, and Robin seemed to buy into the idea.
Bill and I were SO nervous about the event (Robin, like her sister, has always been very attached to her ‘cat paci’) that we had a tough time falling asleep the night before. Robin decorated the envelope and we dropped it off at the post office. When we returned home the paci fairy had already brought Robin’s gift (and a small gift for Lilly for being such a supportive sister)! Robin did MUCH better than we expected. She had a hard time falling asleep but the following night was better and each night has been better since. Everything ‘baby’ about Robin is fading away, but we love her more each day for the little girl she has become.
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