As Lilly becomes more verbal we are amazed with how good she is at communicating her needs and desires. She uses the words ‘up/down’, ‘more/all-done’, and ‘on/off’ to communicate just about anything, and makes her desires obvious by placing objects in our hands, pointing, or moving to a certain location. She recently began standing in front of her highchair to let us know she is hungry and now even stands at the bottom of the stairs saying, ‘up, up, up’ when it’s time for her to take a nap or go to bed. She has one strong internal clock!
The other day at the park Lilly had apparently had enough playing because she walked up to her stroller, said ‘UP!, ah-duh (all done)’ and waived goodbye. Love it!
Here is the list of words that she says frequently:
Mom, Dada, Up, Down, Ah-Duh (all done), More, Off, On, Car, Bath, Ball, Book, Home, Socks, Door, Cat…
1 Comment
What ?! no Aunt Mimi a foo foo in there????? you will have to start showing her my photo every single day .
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