Weight: 23.4 pounds
Length: 33″
Head: 47 cm
Hard to believe that Lilly is a year and a half old today! It’s amazing how much more of a ‘kid’ she is now. She has a super-sweet temperment and, as grandma would say, is a very ‘reasonable’ child – she understands everything we ask of her and much of the time will comply with our requests. Lilly loves to ‘help’ (and ask for help) and spends about an hour a day playing with dishes in the sink. She is definitely more prone to tantrums, although they are very predictable and usually occur when we take her away from something she is interested in. Lilly is purposeful in her actions, thrives on her routines (wonder who she gets that from?), and likes things to be done in a certain way or put in a certain place. She continues to show interest in the way things work and are put together and is our little engineer. She is talking constantly and knows over 100 words. She gets very concerned when someone acts in an unexpected way or something breaks, and will have entire ‘quiet’ conversations with people during down time or just before she goes to bed (usually me).
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