Ro Ro at 11 Months

Ro Ro is 11 months old, how did this happen!?  I am in complete denial that Robin is almost one.  I was so excited for L’s first birthday and planned it for months and I can’t even think about Robin being that age, even though it feels like we’ve always known her.  It’s just not possible to say enough nice things about Robin.  She is the absolute most precious thing and I take every moment with her to heart.  Robin is loud and outgoing (entirely unlike myself) and has a tremendous amount of ‘spunk’.  She is standing and walking if she holds onto a finger but hasn’t taken the plunge into full blown walking yet.  She is signing more and trying out new sounds and words, ‘more’, ‘no’, ‘all done’ (ah-duh).  She doesn’t say uh-oh but has the most hilarious facial expression to express it (drops her jaw and tilts her head/eyes down in a dramatic fashion).  It seems like she is going to be a true Daddy’s girl as she squeals and smiles for her Da more than anyone else.  We <3 her to pieces, every last chubby ounce!

Oops…almost forgot! She sprouted 3 teeth in ONE DAY this week, and also started giving hugs (she puts her head on your chest and wraps her arms around you). So sweet!