so today it finally happened , I looked at baby girl stuff when I was in a store. I wandered around touching cute stuffed animals and holding up little pink overalls for inspection.
I came to the conclusion that we have to be careful from this moment on. we are in dangerous territory .
The stop mechanism that works to keep us grounded could suddenly, without warning give way. We may at that point find ourselves with loads and loads of soft cuddly baby chic clothing in the trunks of our cars.
I may have to actually volunteer to be Judy's support sponsor when she goes off the deep end and needs to activate the- new baby stuff 12 step program.
ps you look great! 🙂
Oh you are soooo right. So far I have purposely avoided going into the "very expensive" baby store at our corner. I know that the minute I step in the door I'm a goner. I even avoid looking in the window as I walk by. Faye knows the danger first hand. She accidently went into a baby store thinking it was a gift shop. She was hooked. I think she said something about heart palpitations!
LOL – Bill and I have definitely restrained ourselves. We have received a few small gits and keep eyeing a onesie they are selling at Whole Foods (every time we go we say we'll buy it if it's there the next time…), but we know that our baby girl will have plenty of 'stuff' once she is born!
so today it finally happened , I looked at baby girl stuff when I was in a store. I wandered around touching cute stuffed animals and holding up little pink overalls for inspection.
I came to the conclusion that we have to be careful from this moment on. we are in dangerous territory .
The stop mechanism that works to keep us grounded could suddenly, without warning give way. We may at that point find ourselves with loads and loads of soft cuddly baby chic clothing in the trunks of our cars.
I may have to actually volunteer to be Judy's support sponsor when she goes off the deep end and needs to activate the- new baby stuff 12 step program.
ps you look great! 🙂
Oh you are soooo right. So far I have purposely avoided going into the "very expensive" baby store at our corner. I know that the minute I step in the door I'm a goner. I even avoid looking in the window as I walk by. Faye knows the danger first hand. She accidently went into a baby store thinking it was a gift shop. She was hooked. I think she said something about heart palpitations!
LOL – Bill and I have definitely restrained ourselves. We have received a few small gits and keep eyeing a onesie they are selling at Whole Foods (every time we go we say we'll buy it if it's there the next time…), but we know that our baby girl will have plenty of 'stuff' once she is born!
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