My brothers came to meet Lilly during the first week in August. Todd stayed for a week and Mark was with us for four days. It was soooo nice having them here – with Mark in San Diego, Todd in Seattle, and me in Michigan we don’t have many chances to see each other. Mark quickly snatched the title ‘Uncle Awesome’ and Todd responded by claiming to be ‘Uncle Favorite’. They were such a big help to Bill and I. Todd made us several good meals and they stocked our refrigerator and freezer with much needed food (at this point we found it difficult to make it to the grocery store!). Most importantly they kept our spirits high and we were able to relax. We hope they come back for a visit some time soon!
Happy Father’s Day to ‘the dads’!
And a very special Happy almost-Father(s) Day to Bill. You are an exemplary husband and I can’t wait to get to know you as DAD!
This past week my mom was in town for the baby shower and to spend time with me before the baby arrives (she got in on June 11th and left today). It was sooooo nice to have her here – I haven’t seen her since Christmas! She stayed with Bill and I and was a huge help in finishing the baby’s room. She washed and ironed all of her new clothes, put new fabric in the dresser drawers, ironed the valences, set up the bed, and helped organize the closets and drawers. I don’t know how I could ever have gotten it all done without her. She has that special touch that only a mom has and it was so nice being able to spend time with her. THANKS MOM!
Monday we celebrated Judy’s 58th birthday at our new home. We invited the whole family over and it was nice to get everyone together to see our new place. Of course we took our annual ‘Bill’s’ photo!
You can see in the second photo that Judy is getting pretty excited about the arrival of her first grandchild!
Last Sunday we celebrated the impending arrival of Baby Gray with a baby shower at Sue Daiza’s home. It was so nice to have friends and family there to celebrate with and support me! The food was wonderful (grilled chicken salad, fruit, scones, t.b.m. salad, and cake!) and the games were so much fun. A special thanks to Sue Daiza, Karen Najarian, Aunt Terry and Aunt Martha for hosting the event. Baby Gray got some beautiful things and I will never forget the event!
Congratulations Bill!
This past weekend we celebrated Bill’s graduation from the Darden School of Business. The weekend was full of events like the Friday evening reception, Saturday afternoon pig roast, and the UVA and Darden commencement ceremonies on Sunday. It was a celebratory weekend that allowed us to enjoy our friends one last time while in Charlottesville. We never expected to make such good friends when we moved here two years ago and have every intention to see each of them in the upcoming months!
Bill and Judy were in town for the festivities and we made sure to get the best possible seats to watch Bill get his diploma. He was one of 6 graduates to receive the C. Stewart Sheppard Distinguished Service Award for blogging, the carbon offset initiative, and laying the foundation for a student operations group (and the only student to receive the reward 2 years in a row). Way to go Bill!
You can see more photos by clicking on the following links:
While in Michigan we celebrated Easter Sunday with a brunch at Bill and Judy’s. Terry and Gary joined us before we headed back to Charlottesville. Above is a photo taken at Woodward Hills on Saturday with my grandma, who was recently released from the hospital.
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