The Gee family came over for lunch on Saturday, which meant that Lilly got to spend some more time with Heidi! They brought cider and donuts to celebrate the start of Fall. Karen is expecting another baby in March and Heidi turns 2 later this month. Lilly is excited for play dates with Heidi and her baby brother/sister(?) soon!
Note: Bill is sleeping in the background. Apparently the girls wore him out!

Sarah, Lilly, and Alexis
Sarah and Alexis drove up from Ohio to meet Lilly on her one month birthday. They even dressed up for the occasion!

Last Sunday we celebrated the impending arrival of Baby Gray with a baby shower at Sue Daiza’s home. It was so nice to have friends and family there to celebrate with and support me! The food was wonderful (grilled chicken salad, fruit, scones, t.b.m. salad, and cake!) and the games were so much fun. A special thanks to Sue Daiza, Karen Najarian, Aunt Terry and Aunt Martha for hosting the event. Baby Gray got some beautiful things and I will never forget the event!

Bill Receiving Award

Celebrating with Friends
Congratulations Bill!
This past weekend we celebrated Bill’s graduation from the Darden School of Business. The weekend was full of events like the Friday evening reception, Saturday afternoon pig roast, and the UVA and Darden commencement ceremonies on Sunday. It was a celebratory weekend that allowed us to enjoy our friends one last time while in Charlottesville. We never expected to make such good friends when we moved here two years ago and have every intention to see each of them in the upcoming months!
Bill and Judy were in town for the festivities and we made sure to get the best possible seats to watch Bill get his diploma. He was one of 6 graduates to receive the C. Stewart Sheppard Distinguished Service Award for blogging, the carbon offset initiative, and laying the foundation for a student operations group (and the only student to receive the reward 2 years in a row). Way to go Bill!
You can see more photos by clicking on the following links:
Darden Graduation Weekend
Darden Graduation Day

Last weekend my three best girlfriends from college came to visit Bill and I and to attend my baby shower on Sunday. I am so grateful that they made the trip to Charlottesville – Sarah drove from Charleston, Alexis from Cleveland, and Lisa from DC.
Friday evening I showed Alexis around town and took her to her first tapas restaurant. Sarah and Kent arrived late that evening and Lisa came early Saturday morning. I made french toast for brunch and we walked around the downtown mall and went to Veritas for wine tasting. It was HOT – 100 degrees! Charlottesville was also extremely packed due to Foxfields and the Dogwood Festival and Parade (the dogwoods were in full bloom). I think I pretty much exhausted the entire crew on Saturday. After wine tasting we went to Blue Mountain Brewery for lunch and then walked around UVA campus. We then got some cold beverages and had a nice dinner at Orzo. Baby shower cake for dessert (a gift from Bill)!
The baby shower was Sunday. Cassy, Sarah and Chiara did such a wonderful job planning the entire event! Most of my friends were able to attend. We played games, enjoyed great food and opened gifts for Baby Gray! Bill and I were overwhelmed with the generosity of our friends and look forward to using everything and preparing for the baby!
Click here to see more photos from the weekend and baby shower.

Supporting the Obama Family

Future President
This weekend Bill and I drove up to northern VA to spend some time with Devon and Yasue. Friday evening we dined on Brazilian BBQ at Chima and we took the Metro into DC on Saturday to see the cherry blossoms, which were just about in full bloom. We spent the entire day walking around the city – hard to believe that the next time we are in DC we will likely be pushing a stroller!
Saturday was an especially exciting day because we commited to renting a house in Michigan! We are thrilled with the house and it’s location in Birmingham – it will be a wonderful home for our growing family. It is also a big relief to have one more thing pinned down. Just 7-8 more weeks until the big move!

Last Sunday we had 30 friends over for a small celebration in honor of Kristy and Baby Gray. It was a great excuse to get our friends together to meet Todd, who was in town visiting during his mid-winter break from school. We held an open house from 2-5 and enjoyed chatting with friends over mimosas, carrot cake, brownies and lemon bars.
Our group of friends is growing quickly as three babies, all one year old or less, joined in on the celebration (and they certainly seemed to get a lot of attention from the ladies!). We have had several parties at our townhouse in Charlottesville and hope to continue similar festivities when we move back to Michigan in May – after the baby arrives, of course 🙂
Here is a link to photos from the party, taken by our friend Christof Meyer. Bill was busy pouring mimosas!
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