20 Weeks
And it’s a…good looking baby with 20 weeks left to bake! Bill and I had the 20 week ultrasound today and decided not to find out the gender of the baby. Everything went well – the baby measures exactly to date (as opposed to Lilly who was always a week behind) and everything is developing as it should be. Getting to the ultrasound this morning was a bit of a challenge. I was up all night with a stomach bug and felt just awful this morning, so Bill had to physically help me get dressed and get into the car. I started feeling a little bit better once we were in the doctors office and made it through the appointment just fine (it couldn’t be rescheduled for several weeks).
We are VERY excited for the ‘surprise’ that awaits us!
Today Bill and I went in for our 22-week ultrasound and got the news we have been waiting for: We’re having a baby girl! We were both overjoyed and spent about 40 minutes with the ultrasound technician and doctor checking her out from head-to-toe on the 3D ultrasound. We saw the hippocampus, blood pumping through the four ventricles of the heart, the femur bone and everything in between. We even have a video of the whole thing! Our little girl was upside down and breech – she was all folded up and practically kicking herself in the face with her feet when we first saw her (we are already calling her Yoga Baby)!
Within the first few minutes of the ultrasound the technician told us we were looking at the legs and bottom of our baby. She then pointed to something that seemed to be sticking out from between the legs, asked us if we wanted to know the gender (yes!), and said calmly, “do you know what that is?” Bill and I both immediately thought penis and were surprised when she told us we were staring at the labia!
Tomorrow we find out if our little one is a boy or girl. We have been looking forward to this appointment for the last four weeks. In fact, our last two ‘weekly’ photos seemed rather inconsequential and served mainly to pass the time leading up to tomorrow’s milestone.
Kristy and both Moms are now guessing that Baby Gray will be a girl. The record shows that Kristy has flip-flopped on this issue like a good politician. I really have no idea and am withholding judgment accordingly.
My mom asked how we would communicate the gender of our little one. Just a couple years ago she probably wouldn’t have to ask. Now we must decide between broadcasting on facebook, twitter, this blog, email, and the countless other marginally impersonal communication channels that technology has brought us. I think my mom and dad will still get a call tomorrow afternoon.
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