Today I am 22 weeks! I weigh 14 ounces and measure about 11 inches long. The ultrasound technician said that since I was all folded up I was about the size of a pound of butter (mantequilla). Mom and dad saw everything from my brain, nose, eyes, heart, kidneys, and feet – all the vital organs are there and I’m busy moving about, although I prefer to stay down low in mom’s belly.
The doctor said that I measure closer to 21 weeks than 22 weeks, which has been consistent with previous ultrasounds. He may decide to make my due date a few days later – we’ll just have to wait and see!
Tomorrow we find out if our little one is a boy or girl. We have been looking forward to this appointment for the last four weeks. In fact, our last two ‘weekly’ photos seemed rather inconsequential and served mainly to pass the time leading up to tomorrow’s milestone.
Kristy and both Moms are now guessing that Baby Gray will be a girl. The record shows that Kristy has flip-flopped on this issue like a good politician. I really have no idea and am withholding judgment accordingly.
My mom asked how we would communicate the gender of our little one. Just a couple years ago she probably wouldn’t have to ask. Now we must decide between broadcasting on facebook, twitter, this blog, email, and the countless other marginally impersonal communication channels that technology has brought us. I think my mom and dad will still get a call tomorrow afternoon.

Una Zanahoria
I weigh 3/4 of a pound and am about the length of a full-sized carrot (una zanahoria). I have been kicking and punching like crazy! Mom felt me moving at work this week for the first time (usually it was just in the evening). My eyebrows and lids are present and buds are forming for permanent teeth.
Mom noticed more weight gain than usual this week. She has lots of energy during the day and is sleeping well at night – for now (ha ha ha)!
Bill felt the baby kick last night for the first time!! This past week and a half I have been feeling the kicking regularly. Usually I feel it at night when I am lying in bed – sometimes in the morning as well. Last night we were watching the movie August Rush together when the baby started kicking. I put Bill’s hand on my belly and waited, but nothing happened. A minute later Bill felt something but I had to explain that it wasn’t the baby (there’s lots of stuff going on down there!). He was disappointed and pulled his hand away.
Later we were reading in bed when I felt the kicks again, and this time Bill could feel the baby right away! I’m not quite sure how I know when it’s the baby and when it’s not because the feeling is still quite faint, but I guess mom’s just know this kind of thing!

I’m a banana (un plátano)! I weigh approximately 10 1/2 ounces and measure 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel.
These days I’m swallowing more, which is good practice for my digestive system.
The most exciting part is that two weeks from today I’ll reveal my sex to mom and dad.
Below is our 20 week photo. There was a comment about a lack of Bill photos, so I posed with Kristy this time around.

Kristy and Bill at 20 Weeks
Today marked yet another milestone as a very brave student of mine, Ashante, asked me in front of the entire class (and Todd who happened to be observing) if I was pregnant. I was so caught off guard that my response was “no sé” (I don’t know) and I turned a certain shade of red. I do talk carefully about my personal life and Bill in class, but did not think it was the right time to announce the ‘news’ to my students. This same class has been curious for about two weeks now – last week a different student raised her hand and asked, completely out of the blue, how you say ‘pregnant’ in Spanish. While she had no intentions with this question the rest of the class found it hilarious and started whispering and laughing.
This raises an interesting question: Do I tell my students? If so, when? My guess is that most students would never even dream of asking. I remember when Amy (French teacher) was 8 months pregnant they thought that she was just ‘getting fat’. Either way they certainly are curious…

Heirloom Tomato
I’m 19 weeks today! My brain is designing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. I am starting to hear mom’s voice and have been falling asleep to classical music that is played for me each night. I weigh 8.5 ounces and measure 6 inches from head to toe – about the size of a large tomato (un tomate). I am going to start growing really fast now, which is why mom is quickly stocking up on maternity clothes.
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