Our master crawler/climber decided to take off running with her push toy today. Maybe she’ll walk one day, after all! 🙂
Lilly has been consistently signing ‘milk’ and most recently began to use her own version of ‘all done’. Â We’ve been signing with her since she was 6 months old and are amazed with what she is picking up now. Â She is definitely working on other cognitive skills and is pointing, clapping, and waving all the time. Â Yesterday we took a walk around the neighborhood and stopped to look at the various things that Lilly would point to. Â She isn’t too interested in reaching any new ‘physical’ milestones like walking, but she sure is taking off in other ways!
Lilly started babbling over the weekend. Bill and I can’t get enough of it – it’s the closest we’ve gotten to carrying on a conversation with her and a lot of the time she uses intonation to mark the beginning and end of a ‘sentence’. I kind of think she sounds like one of the muppets when she talks. So cute!

Lilly at 9 Months

Lilly at 9 months
Weight: 20 lbs. (just above 50th percentile)
Length: 28.5 in. (90th percentile)
Head:Â 17-3/4 in. (75th percentile)
OK, so I couldn’t decide which photo was cuter. Notice how she has the same look on her face in both? Well, she makes that face pretty much 99% of the time now – soooo funny! We just hope she outgrows her ‘piggy face’ by the time she reaches middle school. 🙂
There is something poignant about the 9-month milestone. Perhaps because she has now been a living, breathing human being for longer than she was in the womb. I now understand why people say that having kids is a selfish act: Lilly Grace brings us joy like we’ve never experienced before each and every day. She is a fearless, busy bundle of smiles and love. Can you tell we are proud of her?
Lilly is cruising! She started walking along the fireplace hearth for the first time early this week. She’s also working on her balance – standing up while holding on with just one hand and letting go of things with both hands for just a moment before falling down.
Check out this video of Lilly cruisin’ with Cousin Jason:
Lilly is 8 months old today! She is crawling, climbing, pulling herself up, pulling things down, falling down – quite the little handful! She LOVES being outside and seeing other kids in playgroup and at the playground. We walk to the park around the corner every day and Lilly has lots of fun in the swing watching the other children. Seems like she’s ready to take off and play with the boys!
We started Lilly on finger foods this week. She enjoys the rice puffs and will eat those but mostly plays with the rest of the foods we give her. I thought feeding her solid foods was messy when we started with rice cereal but it’s a whole lot messier now! So far she has tried small pieces of avocado, tofu, bananas, peaches, and bread. Watch her in action:
When Lilly got up from her afternoon nap she began saying “ma” repeatedly. She’s said “ma” and “ma ma” for awhile now, but not like this. She was very pleased with herself and I’m pretty sure it wen’t on for 2 hours straight this evening. Now we just have to teach her to say “da da”!  🙂
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