Lately Lilly has been interested in one thing more than anything else: pulling herself up. She loves crawling around and finding different objects to pull herself up on, her favorites being the bouncer, Bill, or me. She’s getting stronger!
Watch out – Lilly is mobile! She has become a true crawler. See the video below!

Lilly at 7 Months
Lilly is doing a great job sitting up – and can now get herself into a sitting position on her own. The first time she did this was last Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa Sessoms. I was so upset because she sat up on her own when I was in the other room and I missed the whole thing! Today she has done it several times. She’s got some strong abs!
Lilly had 2 teeth just barely poking through yesterday. This morning she woke up and you could really see them!
Yesterday Lilly took ‘the inchworm’ to a new level. She began reaching for objects while she scooted her butt up in the air. She’s on her way to crawling!
Lilly’s sitting, grabbing, and scooting skills are improving daily. She can sit for 5-10 minutes on her own, even when she grabs various objects and turns to see different people. I feel comfortable leaving her in a sitting position on her own as long as she is away from hard objects, etc. She puts her butt in the air and can inch forward but still prefers rolling about to reach different objects. Oddly enough she is most likely to ‘scoot’ when she is tired or cranky. Enjoy the video!
Today Lilly sat unassisted for over one minute on several occasions. She is getting better every day. We still have to place her correctly, but I’m sure we will turn around and watch her roll herself into a sitting position some day soon!
Bill and I woke up at 6:25 this morning to Lilly crying out for us and quickly realized this was the first time she woke up! Normally she wakes up once between 2 and 4 and then is up for the day around 7am. This meant that I got 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep for the first time in 5 months! It was absolutely divine. She has definitely been sleeping better in general – still has the occasional night where she wakes up and wants to be soothed several times (once or twice a week), but she is always easy to put back down.
I thank Heidi Gee for the fact that Lilly slept through the night. Just before putting her to sleep Jerry, Karen, and Heidi were over (Ethiopian carry-out…yum!) and Lilly was absolutely enamored with Heidi. She became really quiet and didn’t want to take her eyes off of her. I think watching a toddler run around really wore her out!
The past few days I have been trying to push her schedule back by about an hour so that the transition to Mountain Time is easier on all of us. She now goes to sleep around 8:45 and has been waking up at 8am. The plane ride will likely mess up all the advanced work we are doing, but hopefully she will adjust to life in Arizona quickly!
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