Lilly at 5 Months
It was NOT easy to get this photo because Lilly is moving around all the time. I think for her 6 month photo she’ll be sitting up on her own!
Welcome to my first blog!
Lilly at 5 Months
It was NOT easy to get this photo because Lilly is moving around all the time. I think for her 6 month photo she’ll be sitting up on her own!
This past week Lilly has mastered a new skill – rolling over! For a week or so she would push herself onto her tummy but had a hard time getting back. We worked on it for a few days and suddenly she has started rolling across the room! She is no longer confined to her tummy time mat – last week I started putting her down in the middle of the floor and she flip flopped from her belly to her back until she hit the wall (about 15 feet – don’t worry, I was supervising the whole thing)! Hopefully Santa will bring her some playroom floor tiles for Christmas! 🙂
Today was Lilly’s first real snow! I took her out briefly in her new snowsuit. She was definitely interested – there will be much more to come!!!
What a difference a day makes! Lilly has changed so much these past few weeks. Sunday she had her first ‘belly laugh’. Bill was getting her ready for her bath and tickling her tummy when it happened. I could hear it all the way from her bathroom with the water running! Monday I got a good laugh out of her as well…too cute.
We have been working on ‘unswaddling’ her for awhile now. Mission accomplished! We left one arm out for about a week. Towards the end of last week she began rolling over onto her stomach during her naps and waking herself up doing the same thing at night, so we began leaving both arms out. It has been several days now and she is sleeping well with her arms out. Finally! We are slowly working on weaning her off the pacifier as well. We only give it to her for naps and take it out once she is relaxed and in her crib.
Since being unswaddled, Lilly is rolling around like CrAzY during her naps and at night time. She has begun sleeping on her tummy as well. I was a bit worried about this at first (SIDS), but have been told that once they do it on their own there isn’t much you can do to stop them. She is strong enough to move around, lift her head up, etc., so there’s nothing to be concerned about. She can flip herself onto her tummy really easily but gets frustrated and has a hard time flipping back. She’s almost there…we’re working on it a lot.
It seems as though we are nearing the end of ‘4 month sleep regression’. Apparently it is quite common for 4 and 8-month-olds to go through this, and Lilly certainly has. For about a week and a half she went from waking up once or twice to eat to waking up twice to eat and 3 or 4 additional times. We partially attributed this to her pacifier use, but can’t be sure. Now she is mostly back to waking up just once a night to eat. Keep you fingers crossed for us!
Nap time is MUCH easier now. She is fairly consistent at napping from 9-11 and 1-3 with a 30 minute catnap at 5pm (and wakes up no more than once). We’ll see how long this lasts…
Lilly is VERY focused. Yesterday at my ‘moms’ group she looked at each individual very intently as they were talking. The group leader even made a remark about it. She loves watching the other babies and the moms as well!
We started Lilly on rice cereal on Thanksgiving. She got excited about it right away and opens her mouth whenever she sees the spoon. We are trying rice cereal for a week and will introduce a new fruit/veggie every three days beginning next week. It’s quite a bit messier than bottle feeding her – but much more fun!
This past week Lilly has been much more active with her toys and hands. In fact, I often have to put her down because she is flailing her arms so violently. On Tuesday she seemed to figure out pull toys. While on her back she grabbed hold of the elephant on her tummy-time mat and pulled it down on her own for the first time. She was very pleased with herself and did this repeatedly – talking to the elephant for several minutes. So cute!
Our four-month-old is suddenly sleeping like a one-month-old. The past week or so she has woken to eat once at her usual time (between 12 and 1:30) but wakes up every 10 to 30 minutes (usually eating once) from 4:30 until her *official wake-up time at 7am. The problem seems to be pacifier related – when I put the pacifier back in her mouth she usually falls asleep quickly. Bill and I have considered pacifier weaning for awhile now. I’m meeting with the pediatrician tomorrow and plan to make some changes later this week. Keep your fingers crossed for us – mom needs more sleep!
Lilly at 4 Months
Weight: 14 lbs.
Length: 26 in.
Head: 16.5 in.
This past week Lilly really seems to have found her own voice. Certain times during the day she talks non-stop and enjoys hearing herself make squealing noises. It is so cute! She especially enjoys talking to her dad and her Grandpa Bill, and me first thing in the morning. Her babbling is giving us even more of a glimpse into her personality. Can’t wait to hear more of her!
Lilly was first able to push herself over onto her side at four weeks, but stopped doing this once she started gaining weight. This past week she has been grabbing both of her feet and rolling over onto her side. She has also pushed herself onto her side when she is on her stomach a few times. Way to go Lilly!
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