Some photos from Lilly’s first two weeks at home.

Kristy and Lilly at 40 Weeks
Dear Friends & Family,
Kristy and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our daughter!
Lillian Grace Gray
July 15th, 8:44am
6 lbs. 6 oz., 19 inches
Kristy and Lilly are currently resting, everyone is healthy, and we could not be any happier!
Above are some photos from delivery day and we will continue updating this blog with news and photos.
We can’t wait for you to meet our little girl,
Bill, Kristy & Lilly

Kristy at 39 Weeks
I’m still putting on a little bit of fat every day but am done growing for the most part and am about the size of a mini-watermelon (un sandía).
Mom can’t believe how good she is feeling. Her energy is good and she is sleeping really well. She has made a point of going to the gym every day and tries to get an afternoon nap in as well. This next week she is going to spend more time at home relaxing with Bill – today she treated herself to a haircut and pedicure, which was nice. Any day now!

Kristy at 38 Weeks
Not too much news here. I’m getting a little bigger every day (this week I am the length of a stalk of leeks – un puerro) but for the most part I’m ready to make my appearance!
Mom is still feeling good and energized. Some days she is more tired than others, but she is sleeping well and continues to exercise 4-5 days a week. She isn’t seeing any obvious signs of labor but feels more and more ready each day for things to get started!

Kristy at 37 Weeks

Kristy's 37 Week Belly
This week I am a full term baby! This means that if I arrive now, my lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though my due date is still three weeks away.
I weigh over 6 pounds and measure around 19 inches from head to heel, like a stalk of swiss chard (no equivalent in Spanish). Mom is feeling good and continues to sleep well. She has only gained 2 pounds in the last 4 weeks and her midwife said that even though I continue to gain weight she probably won’t gain any more. This puts her total weight gain at almost 25 pounds.
Hospital bags are packed and car seat is installed – mom & dad are ready for my arrival!
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