Kristy at 26 Weeks
Welcome to my first blog!
Kristy at 26 Weeks
The network of nerves in my ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. I can now distinguish between my mom’s voice and my dad’s in conversation. I am inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of my lungs. This is good practice for when I’m born and take my first gulp of air! I am continuing to put on baby fat, weigh about 1-2/3 pounds, and measure 14 inches – about the size of an English cucumber (un pepino).
Mom is really starting to notice how big I am getting and is expected to gain 1 cm around her belly each week from now on. She is looking forward to Spring Break next week so that she can relax and get lots of rest!
Kristy at 25 Weeks
I measure about 13 1/2 inches from head to heels and weigh a pound and a half – about the size of a rutabaga (un rutabaga). I’m beginning to add on baby fat and my skin is smoothing out. My hair now has color and texture, as well.
This week mom is feeling BIG for the first time. She is noticing a difference in the way she sleeps (can’t sleep well without lots of extra pillows and has a granola bar every morning around 4am) and is getting many more comments and friendly, sometimes sympathetic glances from strangers.
Kristy & Bill at 24 Weeks
I gained 4 ounces this week, weigh just over a pound, and am about as long as an ear of corn (el maiz)! My brain is growing quickly and tast buds are continuing to develop. My lungs are also getting stronger – they are developing “branches” and a substance that will help my air sacs to inflate once I hit the outside world. I still have lots of fat to put on!
Kicks are getting stronger and more frequent, and mom is starting to get lots of awkward ‘belly pats’ from students and friends.
Kristy at 23 Weeks
Beginning this week I am much more sensitive to motion. I can feel mom move and even dance! I am 11 inches long and weigh just over a pound – about the same as a large mango (un mango). Mom and dad are starting to see me jiggle around underneath mom’s clothes and the sounds that my increasingy keen ears pick up are preparing me for entry into the outside world.
Today mom had her monthly check-up. Because the ultrasounds have consistently measured one week early, Dr. Wolanski pushed the working due date back to July 17th. Either way I am expected to make my first appearance in about 17 weeks!
The ultrasound facility gave us these (and 60 other) images on a CD. We also have a video of the entire thing.
Today Bill and I went in for our 22-week ultrasound and got the news we have been waiting for: We’re having a baby girl! We were both overjoyed and spent about 40 minutes with the ultrasound technician and doctor checking her out from head-to-toe on the 3D ultrasound. We saw the hippocampus, blood pumping through the four ventricles of the heart, the femur bone and everything in between. We even have a video of the whole thing! Our little girl was upside down and breech – she was all folded up and practically kicking herself in the face with her feet when we first saw her (we are already calling her Yoga Baby)!
Within the first few minutes of the ultrasound the technician told us we were looking at the legs and bottom of our baby. She then pointed to something that seemed to be sticking out from between the legs, asked us if we wanted to know the gender (yes!), and said calmly, “do you know what that is?” Bill and I both immediately thought penis and were surprised when she told us we were staring at the labia!
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