Yesterday grandma and I took Lillian for her first Gymboree class. She LOVED watching the other babies and playing with us. There were three other babies who were all a bit older. It is tough to get her to a scheduled class right now because her nap times are changing, but I hope to take her to open gym once a week and am trying Kindermusik with her next week. She always seems to do really well in scenarios where there is a lot of stimulation, but of course she starts crying and throws a fit once she is back in her car seat and alone with mom again.
Looking forward to getting out with her more!

We are so proud of Bill, who completed his first marathon yesterday! Bill finished in 3 hours and 54 minutes. Impressive for a guy who never ran more than a mile before his training started just 10 weeks ago! Grandpa Bill and I went down to cheer him on while Grandma Judy watched Lilly. We were able to see him at mile 16, 18, and 25. He looked great the entire time, and even walked a mile back to our car after the race. CONGRATULATIONS BILL!!!

We are very proud of Bill, who has been training for his first marathon for the past 8 weeks. Bill will be running the Detroit Free Press Marathon on October 18 and the Phoenix Rock n’ Roll Marathon on January 17. I still can’t believe it because just a few months ago he said he would never be a runner and didn’t understand why people ran marathons!?!? He has stuck to his training schedule and even wakes up at 4:30 during the week to get runs in before work. He completed his last ‘long run’ (18 miles) on Sunday. I can’t wait to see him at the finish line in a few weeks!

After a week of packing, two weeks of living with just a mattress and basic kitchen items, and a twelve hour drive – we’re home!
Please take note of our new address:
990 Canterbury St.
Birmingham, MI 48009
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