This week I am a full term baby! This means that if I arrive now, my lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though my due date is still three weeks away.
I weigh over 6 pounds and measure around 19 inches from head to heel, like a stalk of swiss chard (no equivalent in Spanish). Mom is feeling good and continues to sleep well. She has only gained 2 pounds in the last 4 weeks and her midwife said that even though I continue to gain weight she probably won’t gain any more. This puts her total weight gain at almost 25 pounds.
Hospital bags are packed and car seat is installed – mom & dad are ready for my arrival!
Kristy has brought a Snoogle into our bed. Apparently she’s in love with Snoogle, as it helps her sleep through the night. The feeling is not mutual, and I’m looking forward to kicking this pillow out of the bed shortly after Kristy delivers our little girl. My understanding is that most men don’t like sharing the bed with a Snoogle.
All joking aside, I’m fine with the Snoogle since it helps out Kristy. It would be nice if they made a slightly smaller, and therefore more husband friendly version. This thing is huge!
We did have one incident last week. During the night Kristy tried to get out of bed and got all tangled up in the Snoogle. I think she came close to planting her face on the dresser before she could free herself of the pillow. We have certainly laughed about this pillow several times.
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