Grandparents Bill & Judy Gray, Faye & Larry Sessoms
We feel blessed to have the support of our very generous and loving parents, who “hit it off” when they met over dinner six+ years ago and have been good friends ever since. Until recently our parents lived just two miles apart. In March of ’08 Kristy’s father retired and they now spend summers in Seattle and the rest of the year in Phoenix.
Lilly and Robin are Judy and Bill’s only grandchildren. Faye and Larry have four grandchildren; Kristy’s brother Mark and sister-in-law Pinata have two kids, Leela (2/20/2008) and Tevin (6/14/2010).
We've already started a baby book collection and I'm knitting my first baby project! Love, Judy and Bill
I remember you starting the baby book collection over three years ago while we were still on our honeymoon. 🙂
Aunt Karen Najarian is really jealous of us. She told Katie that she better hurry up, so that you and Kristy don't get the gifts she has been collecting from Pottery Barn Kids over the past three years. If you think I have a collection you should see Aunt Karens!
Love, Mom
Tell Aunt Karen that this will work out perfectly because I can give baby clothes and toys to Tom & Katie!
I worked last night and picked up a couple of new items for Baby Gray!! Katie and Tom are sure missing out!! xxoo Aunt Karen
You guys are all so cute… i'm looking for little tiny hockey skates 🙂
Good morning baby,
Can you hear?
Do you know your mom's and dad's voices?
Are they playing music for you?
Are they reading you stories?
We have LOTS of stories to read to you!
Love Nana and Bopa
To grandmother Faye,
I can't help myself ! 🙂
Love, Judy
I'm still looking for those tiny hockey skates!
Maybe it was because you asked us for baby photos of you that I had my first "babygray" dream last night. I dreamt I was holding your baby.
Love, mom
Was it a boy or a girl in your dream?
I'm not telling
Kristy, you look wonderful…and I do think you are beginning to show a little! I guessed you are having a girl…. I loved the cute Spanish book you read to Leela…cute & funny!
OK, so I've finished two baby knitting projects. I've made them "big" just in case baby Gray is as big as Bill was when he was born. Bill was 8 pounds 12 oz and was 22 inches long! I've started a project that Grandma Peggy bought. I warned her that it might be hard to knit with that yarn with the arthritis in her hands – she passed the project to me. Darn, I hate to be right all the time! Heh, Heh. We went to the yarn shop yesterday and had fun picking out a new project for her to do. Organic Yarn, no less! I'm sort of waiting until I know if babyGray is Flutter or Peanut before I start any new projects. I'll see if I can restrain myself.
MarySue, Have you had any luck with the tiny hockey skates?
Faye, Have you gone into any of those darling baby shops. I've stayed away so far. I'm sure I would be a goner if I went into one!
Maybe I can knit them!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ..get a grip grandmaw 🙂 too much coffee maybe?
only kidding . Ill be right there next to you
Hi Faye,
I have some baby Sessoms questions for you. Maybe we might get an idea of what is in store for Kristy and Bill. Bill was almost two weeks late in arriving – was Kristy on time? How about the boys? Bill was 8 pounds 12 oz. How much did your babies weigh? Bill never sucked his thumb or had a favorite toy or blanket – he wanted us to comfort and console him. I know that Kristy had favoite toys and blankets; what about the boys? And last but not the least. Bill was a VERY busy baby that didn't hesitate to let us know when he was unhappy about something!
Bill and Kristy,
You may get an idea of what to expect.
Love, Judy
Hi Judy,
Mark was about 1 week late….and Todd was just about 4 days late. Kristy was a planned caesarean section planned for just a few days past the due date. All three of mine were breech..I did have natural childbirth with Mark, but caesareans with both Todd and Kristy. The Doctor said it was definately my shape! Anyway, Mark and Todd were both 5 pounds, 11 oz. Kristy was 7 pounds even. Not only was Kristy in the breech position, but transverse breech and facing the wrong direction.
Love, Faye
Mom – do you remember how much weight you gained during pregnancy? My doctor told me that I will probably gain 16-20 pounds. We should have some idea of what size/weight to expect for the baby at our ultrasound next week. The measurements will tell us approximately what the baby should weigh, length, etc. at the time of the due date.
To continue… Mark did not suck his thumb and was not terribly attached to his blanket. Todd sucked his thumb and was more attached to his blanket. Kristy sucked her thumb and was totally attached to her blanket. I hope she is over it now!! With my three, I'v found that they are all different right from the beginning…all based on personality. It definately is in the genes.
Love, Faye
My first comment was too long…so I split my answer into three comments! Anyway, Mark had a lot of tantrums, but always did what we wanted. Todd was always laid back and pleasant, but did exactly what he wanted. Kristy was always very sure of what she wanted, often the exact opposite of what her mother wanted! Looking at the four of them, I think Kristy & Bill can expect almost anything! We grandparents are going to have a ball!!!
I was really underweight when I was pregnant with Mark…I weighed about 120 when he was born, gaining about 20 pounds. I weighed 145 when both Todd and you were born, gaining around 25 pounds I think. As I recall, they were much more strict about weight gain when I had Mark, but encouraged more weight gain when I had you and Todd.
Love, Mom
16-20 pounds? That sounds really low compared to what I've heard, but maybe because you don't weigh too much to begin with? I think I've heard an average of 25-30pounds (+/- 5). Surprisingly, my mom said she gained 50 pounds with me, I can't believe it! She always had a craving for sheet cake with me. i guess that's why I love birthday cake.
Wow, 16-20 lbs sounds really low to me too. Lucky you if that's the case! I wouldn't worry too much if you gain more than that though. I think I gained like 30-ish lbs with Heidi. Breastfeeding took it all right back off and then some. (-:
I'm right up there with Pinata's mom. I gained 45 pounds! It was hard to get that last 15 pounds off. I think it's so funny that Pinata's mom had a craving for sheet cake. Not just any cake. I mentioned that my mom had a craving for ice cream when she was pregnant with me. I did with Bill and I still love ice cream!
Mary Sue, how much did you gain ?
I thought it was time for a new comment from a soon to be grandma. We celebrated Bill's 29th birthday tonight ( a day early). I remember I was about 10 days late and asked my husband to take me out for dinner Thursday, Friday Saturday and Sunday night because they were going to induce labor on Monday if I didn't deliver over the weekend. Well,I got one dinner. Hard to believe that was 29 years ago and that Bill and Kristy are getting ready for their baby now. We are all so excited for them. I can't wait to hold and snuggle my grandbaby.
I think it's time for some new photos on the grandparents page. Photos with Lilly would be very nice.
Grandma Judy
still waiting for those new grandparent photos.
Lilly's favorite Michigan grandma.
OK, this photo of us is really old – we need an update. I would change my personal photo except I forgot how to!
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