When we found out that Lillian was in the breech position and could not be delivered vaginally, Bill and I were disappointed and scared.  We had planned for a natural birth with a midwifery practice and were excited to share the experience together.  This last-minute information was hard to digest (we found out on Monday at 39 weeks).

I was initially concerned that Lilly and I would not share the same experience when we saw each other for the first time because we did not go through the hormonal process, etc.   I spoke with other women who had c-sections, including my mom, and heard mixed stories.  I can say with absolute certainty that the moment I saw Lilly for the first time was the most amazing moment of my entire life.  I was overwhelmed with happiness and cannot imagine that I would have felt any differently if she were delivered vaginally.  Bill and I shared in this amazing experience and grew even closer together as a result.

I am VERY glad that we knew about the c-section early and had time to prepare.  I like to say that it was the worst-case scenario of the best-case scenarios, with the end result being a beautiful, healthy baby girl.  🙂