I took about 50 photos of Robin at 5 months and she is smiling in every single one of them. I have never seen a happier baby. Even when she’s over tired or not feeling well (R had her first fever last night) she is smiling.

Robin is doing the inchworm thing and is a pro at grabbing items around her. She adores Lilly and has a strange obsession with having her feet in her mouth at all times. She is definitely teething.

We moved Robin into her own room last weekend. She is starting to sleep better at night (knock on wood) and after a few weeks of stirring frequently she has just been up once to eat and sometimes an additional time looking for her pacifier. She takes two naps (9 and 1) and a catnap before dinner, but the naps vary in length and sometimes are as short as 35 minutes.

Robin continues to eat solid foods once a day and has tried accouple fruits and vegetables (doesn’t seem to like bananas) but the servings remain small. She has plenty of time to explore new foods!