Robin at 17 Months
At 17 Months Robin is always zipping around the house getting into things and following her sister. She loves baby dolls (“baby” is one of her favorite words) and bicycles/scooters as well as putting clothes, socks and shoes on repeatedly. She calls Lilly ‘Ly Ly’ and REALLY wants to play with Lilly at Sunflower. Dropping her off and picking her up during the week is almost comical as Robin runs around like crazy checking everything out. At this point it is impossible to ‘contain’ her in a carrier, etc. so the teachers are always helping me out and chasing after Robin while I get Lilly settled and then I have to take her away kicking and screaming. Also, Robin’s ‘shy look’ is quite the topic of conversation among people who first meet her.
The past week or so R has experienced some significant separation anxiety and sleep regression – she has a hard time settling down at night and wakes up more frequently. Twice this past week she was up for 2+ hours in the middle of the night and it was extremely difficult to get her to go back to sleep. Lilly went through the same thing around this age, not a fun phase!
We love you, Robin!
ly ly
sleep regression

As of last month Bill is in ‘pre-training’ for the Ironman 140.6 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho next June. That’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run. He has hired Michael Stone, owner of Colorado Multisport and 10-time Ironman triathlete, coach, trainer, author, and speaker to be his coach. Michael was the 2010 and 2012 Xterra (‘offroad’ Ironman) USA Divisional Champion and place 3rd at the World Championship in Hawaii this year. Oh, and he’s legally blind. What an amazing and inspiring man!
We support Bill and his goals and are so excited to see what changes and accomplishments this next year will bring for him. Go Daddy, go!

Lilly had her first independent swim lesson for 3 year old’s today at the East Boulder Community Center. She had been talking about this all week and the first thing she said when she woke up was, “today is a very special day, today I’m going to swim class!!”. The children’s pool was closed for maintenance so the class was held in the adult lap pool which is kept 10 degrees cooler so she was a bit cold but had a smile from ear to ear the entire time! Lilly is excited to learn to swim like a “BIG fish”!
Last Wednesday I started a weekly advanced Spanish conversation course that I’m really excited about! I heard about this through my hairdresser, oddly enough, and it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. We meet on Wednesday’s from 10-12 and read various pieces of literature before every class which we discuss and review and move on to various topics, current events, etc. The group is made up of 6 women who all love Spanish language and culture and have either lived abroad with their families in Spanish speaking countries for several years (I’m the youngest by 10+ years), were Spanish majors in college, or teach at the bilingual school. The class has already helped me get my ‘confidence’ back with the language and I’ve been inspired to start reading more and do more with the girls in Spanish. The women are also an excellent resource to various programs, events, and schools in the area that will allow me to use my Spanish.
Robin spends 2.5 hours in the morning at the YWCA child care while I take this class. It is her first experience in a child care environment. I’ve heard good reports so far, so fingers crossed!

Lilly was excited for her first school day at Sunflower Preschool (2012) this morning! It was an easy transition for her since she has been attending summer camp at the same school. Most of the kids at summer camp will be at school with her this year, including her ‘most favorite’ friend Mack. I biked both girls to Sunflower this morning, they do really great in the bike trailer together. Can’t wait to pick Lilly up at 12:30!
Welcome, Fall!
Here’s our class lineup beginning in September. We are busy bees!
M- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30
Mommy & Robin, Music Together 9-10 at the Boulder Piano Gallery
T- Lilly, Art Exploration at Clementine Art Studio
(this is a drop off class for Lilly, Mommy & Robin go for a walk/park)
W- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30
Robin plays at YWCA and Mommy has an advanced Spanish conversation class (10-12)!
R- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30 (music day with Ms. Kelye and show and tell)
Mommy gets a workout in while Robin plays in childcare at the North Boulder Rec Center
OR Storytime at Boulder Public Library
F- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30 (yoga day!)
Mommy & Robin, Grocery shopping at Whole Foods followed by Gym Jam at South Boulder Rec Center
S- Lilly, 10am independent swim lesson for ‘3’s’ at East Boulder Rec Center

Labor Day is always a fun celebration of family and the end of Summer and this year was our best one yet. We spent our weekend biking the girls down to the Farmer’s Market and various festivals and even headed to Louisville for a local dog show and bouncy castles galore. We had beautiful weather and the girls had fun playing games – Lilly especially loved the ‘water bubble’ game! Sad to see the Summer come to an end but ready to embrace the Fall!
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