Welcome, Fall!

Here’s our class lineup beginning in September. We are busy bees!

M- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30
Mommy & Robin, Music Together 9-10 at the Boulder Piano Gallery

T- Lilly, Art Exploration at Clementine Art Studio
(this is a drop off class for Lilly, Mommy & Robin go for a walk/park)

W- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30
Robin plays at YWCA and Mommy has an advanced Spanish conversation class (10-12)!

R- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30 (music day with Ms. Kelye and show and tell)
Mommy gets a workout in while Robin plays in childcare at the North Boulder Rec Center
OR Storytime at Boulder Public Library

F- Lilly, Sunflower Preschool 8:30-12:30 (yoga day!)
Mommy & Robin, Grocery shopping at Whole Foods followed by Gym Jam at South Boulder Rec Center

S- Lilly, 10am independent swim lesson for ‘3’s’ at East Boulder Rec Center