My parent-teacher conferences for Lilly took up 45 minutes and involved tears (mostly tears of joy, some motherly concern). My p/t conferences for R went something like this:

Teacher: Robin is doing great!
Me: Wonderful. What are you up to this weekend? (end of Robin discussion)

Funny how I have such confidence in my second and with Lilly everything is uncharted territory. This birth order stuff is no joke!!
The past few weeks Lilly has been asking many questions about her transition to elementary school. She is worried about leaving her friends from preschool (1 friend will be attending Mesa with her while others are headed to various schools) and making new friends in Kindergarten (“Mommy, no one is going to want to be friends with me” 🙁 ). We find ourselves singing, “make new friends but keep the old” every day now and have been working to reassure Lilly that this is an exciting and positive change that she is READY for.

Even Robin is concerned about Lilly leaving Sunflower in the Fall. Tonight at bedtime when the lights were off she started talking about it and said, “But mommy we’re sisters forever and I don’t want Lilly to go to a different school! I want to go to elementary school with my sister (pouty voice)!” Robin wants to be ‘all grown up’ like her big sister while Lilly is nervous about the change.

Oh, my sweet girls, I wish I could hold you and protect you forever, and I will for as long as I can, but I am amazed by what competent and beautiful people you have become.

Kindergarten orientation is on Saturday so we hope she comes out of it feeling better about things!