Yesterday was a very special day for us because we celebrated Lilly’s 1st Birthday on Bill’s 30th Birthday! We had an under-the-sea-themed party for family and a few friends at our house. It was a beautiful day and we were delighted with how everything turned out. We were a bit uncertain with how Lilly would react with the number of guests and she could not have been any happier. She wasn’t too excited about her vegan birthday cake, though. She enjoyed playing with it but only ate a bite or two. You can check it out in the video below. We keep re-living the party over and over in our heads – what a wonderful celebration for our daughter and her #1 daddy!

For more photos, click here.

Today was moms 29th Birthday! I gave her extra hugs today and we had fun at Kindermusik. We celebrated with a nice dinner at Great Grandpa Bill’s and all of her friends and family members wished her a happy birthday. Dad was out of town, but that’s okay because they went out last Saturday for an early celebration. Happy Birthday, Mom! XOXO

Yesterday was Bill’s 29th Birthday! We celebrated Thursday evening at his parents house. Judy made our favorite peanut chicken and Bill asked to have mango pudding for dessert, which we made together Wednesday evening.
Yesterday we went to the Chop Shop in Birminham to prepare 12 meals for the freezer. We now have plenty of goodies (including the homemade cookies, zucchini and banana bread, and spaghetti sauce I made earlier this week) to get us through the first few weeks without leaving the house too much. We also went out for Korean BBQ at Shilla, which was the location of our first date.
Bill was kind of hoping that he would share his birthday with our little girl. Although that didn’t happen we can’t wait to celebrate her birthday soon!

Monday we celebrated Judy’s 58th birthday at our new home. We invited the whole family over and it was nice to get everyone together to see our new place. Of course we took our annual ‘Bill’s’ photo!
You can see in the second photo that Judy is getting pretty excited about the arrival of her first grandchild!

Today we celebrated Kristy’s 28th birthday with her favorite meal: flank steak, oven baked french fries, broccoli, Michigan salad, and ice cream and chocolate cake (made by Ana) for dessert. I gave her Mikimoto pearl earrings to celebrate both her birthday and completion of her Master’s degree, and we continued her birthday tradition of playing Rummikub. It was a fun evening!
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