Today we took a day trip around Goodyear. We started out with lunch at Ajo Al’s, saw the Biltmore Hotel, and went to the F.O.E. for drinks and a few friendly rounds of butt quarters (don’t ask unless you really want to know). Good times!
Lilly’s first Christmas was a huge success. We started things off with Christmas Eve dinner at Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bill’s house. Great-Grandpa Bill, Grandma Peggy, Uncle Mick, Uncle Jack, and cousins Jessica and Gordon joined us for dinner and a gift exchange. Lilly was a natural at opening her packages – she went right for the bows and tried putting all of the wrapping paper in her mouth!
Christmas morning was spent at our house with Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Martha. The grandparents continued their tradition of spoiling our little one 🙂 and Aunt Martha had fun playing with Lilly while Bill and I finished packing for Arizona.
Our flight to Arizona left at 5:45 on Christmas Day. Thankfully the airport was dead and the plane ride was mostly uneventful. Lilly slept for the first 20 minutes and then was up for the rest of the 4 hour flight – grabbing on to the poor guy next to us and ‘talking’ to the people who passed by.
Lilly quickly adjusted to the time change with no problems at all. Christmas morning in AZ (26th) we opened stockings, had a lovely brunch, and opened packages. We were thankful to spend the time with Uncles Mark and Todd, Aunt Pinata, and cousins Leela, Jason and Billy. The past few days we have spent relaxing, going for walks, and playing pickle ball. We even went out to a movie for the first time since Lilly was born – Avatar.
To see additional photos, follow this link
This Thanksgiving Bill and I have more to be thankful for than ever before. We celebrated our 4th Anniversary and, of course, introduced Lilly to her first family holiday. My parents were in town all week and we enjoyed a festive dinner at Aunt Terry’s. It was a very special day – can’t believe that Lilly will be eating turkey and mashed potatoes with us next year (that is, if we decide not to raise her as a vegetarian)!
This past week my mom came in for a visit to spend time with Lilly and me. During her stay we took Lilly on her first trip to the Franklin Cider Mill with Aunt Terry. It was one of our last beautiful Autumn days. I carried Lilly in her Baby Bjorn – she LOVES the Baby Bjorn and takes everything in while sucking on the fabric of the carrier, of course.
Yesterday grandma and I took Lillian for her first Gymboree class. She LOVED watching the other babies and playing with us. There were three other babies who were all a bit older. It is tough to get her to a scheduled class right now because her nap times are changing, but I hope to take her to open gym once a week and am trying Kindermusik with her next week. She always seems to do really well in scenarios where there is a lot of stimulation, but of course she starts crying and throws a fit once she is back in her car seat and alone with mom again.
Looking forward to getting out with her more!
We are so proud of Bill, who completed his first marathon yesterday! Bill finished in 3 hours and 54 minutes. Impressive for a guy who never ran more than a mile before his training started just 10 weeks ago! Grandpa Bill and I went down to cheer him on while Grandma Judy watched Lilly. We were able to see him at mile 16, 18, and 25. He looked great the entire time, and even walked a mile back to our car after the race. CONGRATULATIONS BILL!!!
Bill felt sick Monday morning and Lilly woke up in the middle of the night on Tuesday with a stuffy nose. In the morning I noticed that it had gotten worse, and she continued to be congested throughout the day. She acted a bit grumpy during the day and I was concerned about her stuffiness in the evening, so Judy brought over a nasal aspirator for me. Tuesday evening Lilly woke up every 15 minutes until 3am, and 3 times after that. She didn’t seem terribly sick or in pain, just wanted to be comforted.
Her stuffy nose lasted until the next day. Last night when I was feeding her and putting her to bed she inhaled 6.5 ounces and proceeded to projectile vomit all over me and the glider. Aunt Terry brought over pedialyte in case the vomiting continued. Thankfully it was an isolated illness and not because she was sick!
This morning I woke up with a sore throat and earache. Apparently Lilly gave me whatever illness she had. I guess I should get used to it!
Thanks to Judy and Aunt Terry!
It was so nice to have my parents in town for a visit this past week. They spent lots of time with Lilly and helped me with things around the house. I can’t wait for my mom to come back in October!
- Bill, Lilly, and Kristy
- Grandma with Lilly
- Lilly in the Sling
- Rocket smelling Lilly
Bill and I took Lilly for her first visit to Nipigon! We left Wednesday evening at 8:30 pm in hopes that she would sleep in the car…and she did! We settled in to the back cottage, took long walks, and were taken good care of by Grandma Judy. Lilly met Rocket for the first time and he absolutely adored her, following her around the cottage and getting very worried when she was upset. The weather was a bit chilly and rainy but it allowed us plenty of time to relax on the back porch. Looking forward to taking her again next Summer!
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